Peter Rush
March 20th, 2013, 03:55 AM
Hi all - the constant struggle to film ceremonies in low light continues - I've shot with a canon 5D3 at 25p and a shutter speed of 25/s and the results were ok, so with my EA50 I want to take my shutter speed down to 25/s to gain some extra light
With my EA50 I shoot constantly in 50p and a shutter speed of either 50/s or 100/s but want to take this down to 25/s. I've filmed a short test but can't see much difference between 50p and 25/s vs 25p and25/s
Any thoughts?
Chris Harding
March 20th, 2013, 05:07 AM
Hi Pete
I would certainly use 25P ...I always have a GoPro at the Church and that has never shown any blur or stutter at a wedding ceremony ...shucks if you need an extra stop that's the way to do it!! There is virtually no motion at a Church service that would warrant a higher shutter speed. Certainly cheaper than buying a prime lens!!
I guess all this is an attempt to solve the very low light in UK Churches???
Peter Rush
March 20th, 2013, 05:26 AM
Absolutely Chris I was filming at a castle at the weekend and apart from 2 big chandeliers at the back of the hall, the only light on the people at the front (inc bride and groom) was from a couple of spotlights on the floor behind the registrar! So not only was the light not sufficient but the couple were lit from underneath! Also the walls were all very dark oak which didn't help.
I would say IMO 1 wedding ceremony in every 10 has lighting conditions not conducive for good video - The EA50 handles it better than my old Z1 but I'd still like to improve the quality for my customers (or is it for me as my couples always love their videos)
Noa Put
March 20th, 2013, 06:42 AM
I take it you are using the stocklens? In that case you can best use 1/25th shutter to squeeze some extra low light performance out of the camera, ceremonies don't have much movement in them so a slower shutter won't cause any problems.
Peter Rush
March 20th, 2013, 07:36 AM
So if I'm going for 1/25th I should also drop from 50p to 25p but I have 2 options in the menu - 1080/25p FX and 1080/25p FH
I can't find in the manual the difference between FX and FH - any ideas?
Noa Put
March 20th, 2013, 08:42 AM
• Bit-rate
PS: max. 28 Mbps
FX: max. 24 Mbps
FH: approx. 17 Mbps (average)
HQ: approx. 9 Mbps (average)
LP: approx. 5 Mbps (average)
•Image size
PS: 1,920×1,080
FX: 1,920×1,080/1,280×720
FH: 1,920×1,080/1,280×720
HQ: 1,440×1,080
LP: 1,440×1,080