View Full Version : PMW-200 SXS cover silver..... really?

Garry Myers
March 18th, 2013, 09:30 PM
Not that this has any effect on me buying a PMW-200 ( I'm gonna for sure) but does it ship with the "ugly" silver cover where the SxS cards go?

Sorry if this has been asked a million times but I had to ask.... every demo or unboxing video I see has the silver cover... I saw one video where the guy said that the production models will ship with a black cover.

just curious..... thanks

Noa Put
March 19th, 2013, 02:52 AM
Ehm...Is that really a issue?

Alister Chapman
March 19th, 2013, 05:40 AM
Yep, PMW-200 is Silver, PMW-150 is black. Same with F5/F55, F5 lens mount is black, F55 is silver. Guess in Sony's mind Silver denotes better than Black.

Doug Jensen
March 19th, 2013, 06:35 AM
Hey it could be worse, what if it was gold?

Alister Chapman
March 19th, 2013, 07:43 AM
Gold is reserved for the S35mm sensor CineAlta cameras. :-)

Doug Jensen
March 19th, 2013, 07:56 AM
But the F65 should have a ring of diamonds around the lens mount.

James Kuhn
March 19th, 2013, 08:56 AM
You guys are killing me. I just 'launched' coffee through my nose! I love 'video-centric' humor. : )


Garry Myers
March 19th, 2013, 08:08 PM
Ok, thanks for your replies.... and like I said... it's not an issue.... just curious.

Dave Blackhurst
March 19th, 2013, 08:47 PM
Just be greatful it's not "cinnabar"...

Joe Cain
March 30th, 2013, 09:11 AM
The dept responsible for designing the SxS door probably didn't get the memo to make the door black. It does look odd.