Jerome Cloninger
March 17th, 2013, 08:22 PM
Hey guys, I'm barely awake to type, but I wanted to share today's fan highlight clip. Today posed many challenges which I'll post tomorrow unless I sleep all day, but something I was VERY impressed with was panning extremely fast to get a snippet of the cars on the track. Pause the video when you get to it. Yes there is skew but not near as much as I thought there would be. This was again filmed at 60p. Oh, my favorite shot in this one almost didn't get recorded... the planes and fireworks....
Enjoy and feel free to critique or comment. I'll respond to the ones in the other thread within the next couple of days...
Bristol Motor Speedway | Sunday on Vimeo
Steven Digges
March 17th, 2013, 11:51 PM
Your 3 for 3. Another great job.
Chris Harding
March 17th, 2013, 11:57 PM
Hi Jerome
Excellent as per the first two!! What I find weird is you go two posts down and poor Matt is complaining bitterly about the camera and quality issues .. (EA-50 Problems..problems) I can truthfully say that my EA-50's have always delighted me with their results and hopefully will in the years to come.
I STILL like that blonde though!!!! She is stunning plus a very good and enthusiastic presenter on top of the good looks.
I think you are actually having a lot of fun doing this shoot!!
James Manford
March 18th, 2013, 01:48 AM
I'll echo the comments above.
Fantastic video! Love the tiny bit of bokeh you get when the cameras focused on the blonde. Puts a smile on my face knowing it's just with a stock lens!
Noa Put
March 18th, 2013, 04:11 AM
Love the tiny bit of bokeh you get when the cameras focused on the blonde.
Like those shots as well, it doesn't have to be a f1.4 all the time, just a bit of a blur is sufficient to separate a person from the background. Especially for outdoor shots it's important to have a nd filter to keep the iris wide open and have the shutter at a fixed 1/50 if you want to achieve that effect. I will be ordering a variable nd filter this week, with this camera it's a necessity.
Lee Berger
March 18th, 2013, 05:53 AM
Jerome, you did an excellent job of covering the event. Considering the diversity of shooting situations, you must have cloned yourself. Also, a few erros can be forgiven with this type of camera. It takes time to develop muscle memory so your fingers will punch the correct button and turn the aperture dial in the correct direction. Also it's no mean feat to get out well paced edit after shooting all day. Congratulations.