View Full Version : Sound and the Black Magic Cinema Camera

Chris Barcellos
March 15th, 2013, 11:58 PM
With my order about to ship, I just started to look at the various issues of rigging the camera, and of course sound is one of those little things we have to take care of.

I started looking on the Black Magic Forum, and from there, I got to Robert Rozak's in depth look at the sound situation, and his recommendations of where to run the camera, In short, he is recommending a preamp such as are on board his Juiced Link adapters, and setting the input gain on the camera is set at 30 %. Then you adjust the levels coming from your mixer or JuicedLink preamp. This will provide maximum head room and lowest noise in the camera recording.

As usual, Robert does a great job of simplifying the process so we understand the camera limitations.

Blackmagic Cinema Camera : juicedLink, Unique and Trusted Solutions for Audio and Video Production (

Blackmagic Camera: Audio Test Review - YouTube

John McCully
March 16th, 2013, 01:24 AM
Thanks for that, Chris. I will be looking over your shoulder and look forward to your usual informative helpful posts. The local retailer tells me I might have one by the end of this month so I’m probably not far behind you.

I have a Beachtek DXA-6 which I used with my FX1 and I thought that might do the trick with the BMCC, at least to get me going.

Have you decided on lenses yet?

Frank Glencairn
March 16th, 2013, 01:57 AM
+1 for the JuicedLink Riggy, works like a charm for me.

Chris Hurd
March 16th, 2013, 03:18 AM
Thanks for posting this, Chris -- I edited it slightly to embed the video.

John Richard
March 16th, 2013, 07:52 AM
Another +1 for the JuicedLink Riggy. It also has a feature allowing you to set up to record a padded audio reduction on the 2nd channel of a mono input as a safety if you get overly hot audio on the 1rst mono channel. A great help if you don't have a dedicated experienced audio guy monitoring levels on a shoot.

Chris Barcellos
March 16th, 2013, 08:45 PM
I have some fond memories of all of us muddling through sound issues with the Canon 5D and of course Robert Rozak's great imput, and that from Jon Fairchild who did some pretty extensive testing. Because of that work and that input from those guys, I certainly have a better understanding of how to get decent sound into a camera.

Looks like we are ahead of the game on this latest camera that will "change things"...

Chris Barcellos
March 18th, 2013, 12:04 AM
Excuse me Jon Fairhurst !!! I know better than "Fairchild". I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote previous posts. I guess I could try to blame it on auto correct,,, but alas, it was my brain..

Chris Barcellos
April 30th, 2013, 12:30 PM
Robert Rozak did another in depth review of Black Magic Cinema Camera situation as it is now working in Firmware 1.3. Interestingly, it almost seems like Black Magic Design has created a better raw file, that can be manipulated in post.

Manish Pandit
May 1st, 2013, 07:10 AM
I have had an interesting issue with sound capture on the camera.
When I use a Rode Videomic which has a 3.5mm jack and use an 1/4 inch adapter to connect the 3.5mm jack to the camera, then the camera basically does not record audio using the Mic setting. Initially thought that it was a problem with the mic or the 1/4 inch adapter, have since tested both on my 5D mkii and the Ex3, both work fine.

Next, Ive used the Sennheiser ME66 and run it into an XLR to XLR cable connected to a XLR to 1/4 inch jack adapter, that records audio fine.
But using the same mic and a XLR to a 3.5mm jack and then using an adapter for the 3.5 mm jack to the camera (1/4 inch) t does not record audio of any meaningful level.
Its obviously some odd issue with 3.5mm jacks connecting to 1/4inch adapters on the camera.
I thought that initially there was a problem with the adapters, thats not the case as well.
Basically, since I want to hand hold the cam and want it to look as low key as possible
I did not ideally want to use external sound capture, but thinking now
that I'll capture external sound while using it hand held anyway with a XLR to 1/4 inch jack combo
and Mic atop the camera.

Saraswati Films | Movies | Krishna - History or Myth (

Duane Adam
May 1st, 2013, 09:06 AM
Robert Rozak did another in depth review of Black Magic Cinema Camera situation as it is now working in Firmware 1.3. Interestingly, it almost seems like Black Magic Design has created a better raw file, that can be manipulated in post.

The low end roll off in 1.3 is too extreme and there is still no input meter, a basic and crucial function. I have a 4k on order but may cancel if these audio problems aren't properly addressed.

Shaun Roemich
May 7th, 2013, 05:11 PM
I have had an interesting issue with sound capture on the camera.
When I use a Rode Videomic which has a 3.5mm jack and use an 1/4 inch adapter to connect the 3.5mm jack to the camera, then the camera basically does not record audio using the Mic setting. Initially thought that it was a problem with the mic or the 1/4 inch adapter, have since tested both on my 5D mkii and the Ex3, both work fine.

Next, Ive used the Sennheiser ME66 and run it into an XLR to XLR cable connected to a XLR to 1/4 inch jack adapter, that records audio fine.
But using the same mic and a XLR to a 3.5mm jack and then using an adapter for the 3.5 mm jack to the camera (1/4 inch) t does not record audio of any meaningful level.
Its obviously some odd issue with 3.5mm jacks connecting to 1/4inch adapters on the camera.
I thought that initially there was a problem with the adapters, thats not the case as well.

Nothing unusual at all about what is happening. You just don't understand how your mics are wired.

Your RODE is providing a steero signal on the 3.5mm and the BMCC is expecting balanced TRS with Tip being +tive, Ring being -tive so you are getting phase cancellation when summed at the camera.

You need a 3.5mm f - 1/4" TS M. You currently have an adaptor intended to adapt 3.5mm headphones to 14/" stereo headphone jack.

I knew this was going to happen with the BMCC...

Manish Pandit
May 9th, 2013, 02:52 PM
Dear Shaun,

Of course part of the problem is that I need to source components from a UK shop.
Just trying to get a 1/4 inch reverse screw from Maplin/RS.
Real problem.
US seems easier to get this stuff maybe?

Chris Hocking
May 18th, 2013, 12:32 AM
For anyone who's interested, I've posted some audio tests over on the Blackmagic Forums ( comparing Mic vs Line level as well as connecting microphones directly to the camera versus using an external pre-amp/mixer.