Kevin Lewis
March 15th, 2013, 10:04 PM
When I try to copy the VF files to back-up a project, the files seem to be hidden. I can see the files when i'm in vegas but they have a picture of a lock next to it. I cant see them if I try to access them in another way. Also, somehow the files have been rounted to a folder that i did not create. Any idea what may be happening?
Juris Lielpeteris
March 15th, 2013, 10:54 PM
Do you make project backup using Save as and Copy Media with project? Check attributes and inherited permissions of your folders and files.
Edward Troxel
March 17th, 2013, 06:32 AM
Those files should not be hidden by default to Windows Explorer. However, if they are you can still see them in Windows Explorer by telling it to "Show hidden files".
The little lock you are seeing should indicate that the file is marked as "locked" - not that it's hidden. Vegas really doesn't care that the file is locked. When you save, it renames the current file to "Backup" and then saves a new file with the original name.