Chris Quevedo
March 15th, 2013, 01:04 PM
what sort of ND's do you use for the NEX-EA50? or what do you recommend would be best and give the best image? i've heard a lot of good things about Tiffen ND's, but why are they better?
anyone have thoughts on this or other similar accesories you use?
Noa Put
March 15th, 2013, 01:27 PM
Cheaper ND filters might introduce softness or colorcasts, I still haven't bought one but plan to do soon, I had my eye on a Fader ND Digi Pro and I heard good things about the tiffen to. There was allready a thread running about this:
Lee Berger
March 15th, 2013, 01:56 PM
I'm quite pleased with the Genus GL GNDF-67 ND 67 mm Fader Circular Filter System. I shot with it all day at the beach yesterday and none of the footage exhibited any issues with the filter.
Chris Quevedo
March 15th, 2013, 01:59 PM
Cheaper ND filters might introduce softness or colorcasts, I still haven't bought one but plan to do soon, I had my eye on a Fader ND Digi Pro and I heard good things about the tiffen to. There was allready a thread running about this:
yea sorry, i just thought maybe there might be filters that worked best with an NEX-EA50, didn't mean to break forum policy and make a duplicate thread, very sorry
Chris Harding
March 15th, 2013, 06:34 PM
Hi Chris
Spend heaps of money and you will be OK!! I was sold filters by a GOOD ?? camera shop and they were worse than useless and each one was $40.00 ...the image was red so that usually means IR contamination!! I buck the trend completely in bright light and shoot without ND's where I can but if it's really bright and I have a lot of movement and am forced to reduce shutter speed I then have an ND4 Kenko Pro Digital 1 which seems to work well...I just hate to put bad glass in front of good glass which is what a cheap filter will do ...I think the Kenkos were $60.00 each!! Same company as Tokina which make a nice lens so I trusted them!
Darryl N. Barg
March 18th, 2013, 02:13 PM
The Heliopan sure feels good to use, and I think it looks really great most of the time, although there definitely is vignetting when zoomed right out.
It has become totally second nature to reach and turn the ND while watching the viewfinder and histogram as I set up a shot. I have absolutely no regrets buying a camera without the built in ND.
Edit: Sorry, I just found the above link on an earlier thread. Sorry. That must have been where I saw it initially.
Paul Wood
March 20th, 2013, 04:43 AM
I found this thread discussing the Heliopan filter, which I use - you do need to white balance, but you really should with any filter.
Heliopan fader ND at (
Not cheap, but along with the Genus, seems to be one of the best variable ND filters around.
Noa Put
March 20th, 2013, 06:43 AM
A soon as I get my Genus Eclipse I"ll post some test footage.