View Full Version : Anyone ever use the strap?

James Sarte
September 21st, 2005, 02:04 PM
The strap that came with the Z1U is a joke. Personally, I don't intend to use a strap, but I will admit that it could come in handy from time to time.

Sean Hansen
September 21st, 2005, 02:27 PM
It's probably the same type of strap for the FX1 too. Honestly, I never use the strap for any camera, it's either in my hands, on a tripod, rig, or in the bag. Just the thought of my camera falling on the ground prevents me from using them lol!

Boyd Ostroff
September 21st, 2005, 02:29 PM
Funny... I've wished I'd put mine on a couple times :-) But I'm a little paranoid about carrying something that expensive with no protective padding.

Actually, they provided the exact same strap for the PDX-10 which is much smaller camera and half the weight of the Z1. I find it works really well for that camera if you're hiking around.

I think I need to pick up a lightweight camera bag that will just hold the Z1 for those times I don't want to lug my big case when out walking.

Sean Hansen
September 21st, 2005, 02:53 PM
Oh, I am sure the strap will hold it fine. It's just my own fear after investing that a strap seems too risky to me, scratches & drops, not to mention if you accidently trip. And my all time favorite fear...the ever "lurking around the corner" snatch thief lol! Seriously, I baby my cameras too much maybe, but I'm proud of them and couldn't take the chance. Also, better resale value without battle scars.

Mark Grant
September 22nd, 2005, 06:46 AM
Just the thought of my camera falling on the ground prevents me from using them lol!

The only time my camera has ever hit the ground was when someone knocked the tripod over!

Personally I use the strap at times, but mostly just as an extra safety measure in case I'm dumb enough to drop it :).

Richard Entwistle
September 22nd, 2005, 09:27 AM
Have always used the VX2k/PD150 and now Z1 strap. Plenty strong enough methinks. :)

Usually twist it once/twice around my wrist while handcarrying just in case it drops. Sometimes perched over a drop, river, or similar, so want to be sure. :)

But also useful around the neck when off tripod. Better to keep with yourself at all times to avoid it walking off.

Gareth Watkins
September 22nd, 2005, 10:29 AM
Personally I use an aged but wide Nikon Still camera strap on my FX1...
It is by far the best strap I've used, given to me by Nikon Pro service years back...(when I used their cameras). Later it adorned one of my EOS 1 bodies for years, much to the annoyance of the Canon Pro Service in Paris... LOL! But as they couldn't provide me with a better strap it stayed there until I retired the EOS body...
It is now proudly on my video camera... Ok it has Nikon in big yellow letters, but it is strong and more importantly wide.... sits very nicely on my shoulder and has anti slip material on the underside....



James Sarte
September 22nd, 2005, 10:38 AM
That's a good suggestion Gareth. I've got an EOS Digital strap lying around that I think will try tonight. It's a wide strap, and definitely more sturdy than the stock strap.


Mike Proulx
September 22nd, 2005, 03:12 PM
I use the strap on my Z1 all the time. Its great for slinging the camera on your back, like Johnny Cast used to carry his guitar, lens pointing down. I carry mine with me while I'm riding my mt. bike. It rides pretty good back there, even with my Sennheiser ME80 shotgun on it. I just came back from Alaska 3 weeks ago and carryed it on my back all over the place, frees up your hands too. I was thinking about adding a wider piece of leather or something to the strap where it crosses my shoulder though, it sometimes wants to choke me, not that I don't deserve it.

Mike Proulx
September 22nd, 2005, 03:21 PM
ohyeah, I forgot to mention that Porta Brace has some cases available that are built for the Z1. I haven't seen any of them in person, but they have small pictures on their website. I'd love to have a portabrace "skin" on my camera with a wide strap, but so far so good.

Also, I just wanted to say that if ya wanna get the shot sometimes ya gotta take a risk

Bill Pryor
September 22nd, 2005, 03:56 PM
A strap can be handy if you're climbing a ladder and need both hands. Also...have you ever been shooting hand held, no tripod, nobody else to hold the camera and you have to go to the bathroom? Straps are good.

Sean Hansen
September 22nd, 2005, 04:15 PM
I'd love to have a portabrace "skin" on my camera with a wide strap, but so far so good.

Thats a great idea. I found the rain slicker RS-FZ1 here in Canada, the porta brace site says it doubles as protection too. Was looking for a good skin for rainy conditions. Looks like a good compromise between the two.

Thanks for the tip!

James Sarte
September 22nd, 2005, 05:59 PM
A strap can be handy if you're climbing a ladder and need both hands. Also...have you ever been shooting hand held, no tripod, nobody else to hold the camera and you have to go to the bathroom? Straps are good.

Wow, good call man. Didn't even stop to think about that one.

Stephanie Wilson
September 22nd, 2005, 07:21 PM
I use the strap on my Z1 all the time. Its great for slinging the camera on your back, like Johnny Cast used to carry his guitar, lens pointing down. I carry mine with me while I'm riding my mt. bike. It rides pretty good back there, even with my Sennheiser ME80 shotgun on it. I just came back from Alaska 3 weeks ago and carryed it on my back all over the place, frees up your hands too. I was thinking about adding a wider piece of leather or something to the strap where it crosses my shoulder though, it sometimes wants to choke me, not that I don't deserve it.

Hey Mike,

Sounds like great fun. I hope you captured some great video.

I had a thought that might be helpful for your cross terrain trecks with your cam.... You can purchase fuzzy wrap-around strap protectors that attach with velcro. They are made to be used with the harness part of a seatbelt to soften the throat choking you described. Can be found at auto supply stores and most discount stores that have auto depts.

BTW, I also use a Porta-Brace strap for my DVX-100A. As a one woman band I need to sling the camera over my shoulder just so I can manage carrying the tripod and sound bag. If I need the light kit I use my cart, but I still carry the camera over the shoulder whipped around the back as you do.
