View Full Version : Issues importing XDCAM HD422 50/1080/23.98P into PrPro CS4

Joe Cain
March 10th, 2013, 02:28 PM
I created my PrPro sequence with the settings below but I'm getting an error message when I try to import my .MXF files into Windows 7 CS4 PrPro which reads "file video dimensions (width/height) too large."
My videos are: NTSC XDCAM HD422 50/1080/23.98P. What am I doing wrong.


Battle Vaughan
March 10th, 2013, 10:03 PM
I understand that Cs4 has a problem with mxf files. There are a lot of discussions on Adobe forums about this
I only have one MXF 422HD 50mbps file to play with on my old cs4 computer, but I got the same result as you.

However, mxf is kin to mpeg. I converted the file to .mpg in Prism Video Converter Plus (only the plus version has mpeg codecs. this is from NCH software, not freeware but reasonable) and to an mp4 in VLC (freeware) and was able to import both files without difficulty into cs4.
This does, however, convert the 4:2:2 to 4:2:0, if that is a concern.

Joe Cain
March 11th, 2013, 12:04 AM
As a test I created an HD 420 HQ/1080/23.98P video clip and the MXF file imported fine into the same PrPro project. The HD422 50/1080/23.98P file continues to fail.

However, since I'm formatted for UDF, the HQ clip is 1440 x 1080 resolution, and the HD is 1920 x 1080. Perhaps it's the higher resoution MXF file that's causing the problem inside CS4 Premiere Pro.

Battle Vaughan
March 11th, 2013, 04:09 PM
MXf list listed on the CS4 data sheet as a supported file. But not all MXF's are alike, according to what I've read. Some Canon mxf files won't open in Sony software, etc etc. The 50mbps422 files are, as you discovered, full 1920hd. The setup in CS4 is 1440. There is an MXF codec package at Calibrated Q, but I believe it only is for Macs. However, you might want to have a look, there is a lot of information in their site:Calibrated Software Products (

BTW, have a look at this link in in the Adobe thread: