View Full Version : Encore /photoshop edit not working
Battle Vaughan March 10th, 2013, 01:42 PM Does anybody know what could keep the "edit menu in photoshop" function from working in Encore CS6?
The Adobe forum on this was not helpful.
1. If Photoshop is not active it doesn't launch.
2. If Photoshop is active it comes to the foreground but the menu isn't opened.
3. Yes, I do have the .psd files set to default in Photoshop.
4. My old CS4 version (on a different computer) works fine.
5. There doesn't seem to be anything in the preferences referring to this function, so resetting the prefs doesn't help. (there is the media>location pref, but it points correctly to the encore library folder)
6. I can go to Photoshop and open the files by navigating to the Encore > Library, so there is nothing wrong with the menu files.
I can live without this, but it's annoying. Anyone?
Trevor Dennis March 12th, 2013, 05:38 PM Something is stopping Photoshop launching? I can't remember if you are on a Windows system, but you could check the Task manager processes list to see if anything there is interfering, like an open at start-up earlier version of PS or Bridge. Make sure you don't have Bridge CS5 in the list of process on the right of the task Bar.
My bet is you'll find something in the processes list that is causing problems.
Battle Vaughan March 12th, 2013, 10:25 PM Thanks for the tip, and I'll be taking a look. This was a fresh install of CS6 in a brand-new Windows computer, so thankfully there aren't any "beasties" hanging about from any prior installs. I did have the failure- to- install content material problem recently aluded to in another thread here, and recently did the Adobe makeup-install.
Whether that might be a contributing factor I will never know as unfortunately I had no need for the "edit in photoshop" function until after I did the update. Encore, however, finds all the content files, Bridge finds them, and Photoshop will open them directly from the Library, just won't open or open the files from within the King of Siam said, "is a puzzlement."
Trevor Dennis March 13th, 2013, 06:29 PM With such a clean system, it is indeed a 'puzzlement'
Could you have installed another image manipulation program after Photoshop that has stolen the .psd file association?
Battle Vaughan March 13th, 2013, 07:16 PM Thanks for the thought, Trevor, but that's the first thing I checked. I think there is some disconnect in the Adobe installation somewhere, but the last time I re-installed a Production suite it caused more problems than it solved, so I'm going to leave my new one alone! I can live with this, Photoshop opens the files just fine if I boot it outside of Encore, so for the amount of DVD making I will probably do, it's not a biggie. Just irritating, one wants thing to work as advertised....thanks for all your input!
Trevor Dennis March 14th, 2013, 08:25 PM I guess there is always the Adobe forums. They have rarely failed to come up with an answer for me, and often from the very same people who post here. Unfortunately it is difficult to search for the answer because of the huge proliferation of hijacked file extension answers.
Battle Vaughan March 14th, 2013, 09:12 PM I didn't find anything useful there, there were a few entries but they were years old and such suggestions as there were didn't help. I suppose I could try Adobe support, but I was thinking that if there was not a current thread on this that it must be situational to my system in some way. Apparently not a common problem. Funny, my old win32 CS4 box with 4 gigs ram opens Photoshop and the menu almost instantly from Encore, my Ivy Bridge computer with 32 gigs and top-end graphics card can't make it happen....I'm going to not worry about it, however, and I appreciate your input. Thanks again!
Ann Bens April 20th, 2013, 08:07 AM Re-associate the .PSD extension with Photoshop CS6.
Battle Vaughan April 20th, 2013, 09:25 AM Thanks, Ann, that's the first thing I tried, to no avail.
Tim Kolb April 20th, 2013, 07:20 PM If you have a Photoshop file in Premiere Pro, can you get 'edit in Photoshop' to work?
Battle Vaughan April 20th, 2013, 08:40 PM Yes, I can open any kind of still image in Photoshop from PPro in the "edit in photoshop" function.
Later Update: This is an old thread, and I went back for grins and tried "edit menu in Photoshop" in the same project I originally had problems with. Aaargh! The problem has disappeared as mysteriously as it came. No system changes, no nothing. Now it works, then it didn't The perversity of inanimate objects....many thanks to all who responded!
Even later: I'm just guessing, but it may have been some kind of Windows registry issue, as the only thing that changes on my system is a weekly run of a registry cleaner. It may have found some conflict and fixed it. Other than that, this is one of those little Windows mysteries....
Trevor Dennis April 23rd, 2013, 11:08 PM This sort of thing can be frustrating and VERY annoying. I have suddenly found that AE won't import MXF files, and even has problems with old projects that used MXF files. What's all that about?!!! Lot's or hits when I Googled, so I am apparently not alone. AFAIK I haven't done anything to cause this, or at least I can't correlate it with anything. I really don't want to have start using the workarounds I found with Google, because the whole dynamic link thing is kind of central to the Creative Suite workflow.