View Full Version : Help - XF105 Timecode in/out not working

Steve Kimmel
March 9th, 2013, 10:43 AM
I have a shoot this coming week and am testing my XF105 with my next PIX240i and I can't get the timecode input/output on the XF105 to work. Timecode jamming works fine with my Sony F3.

I have made sure to set GEN/TC to "In" and Timecode to "freerun." I cannot input timecode from either my PIX or my F3. Same problem trying to output timecode from the XF105.

Is it possible I have a non-functioning Timecode BNC on the XF105? Any advice?


Steve Kimmel
March 11th, 2013, 09:20 PM
Anyone? I need to figure this out by tomorrow if possible.