View Full Version : severe moire and jitter
Torsten Keil March 6th, 2013, 05:47 PM Hi all,
recently, I replaced an AG-HMC-151 with the EA50, my A-cam is a FS100.
Over the last days, I had a chance to make some test shots and encountered severe moire effects, especially when using wide angle lenses.
Setup was EA50 with Metabones SpeedBooster and Canon EF 24-105 f 4.0 (2.8 with SpeedBooster), 1080p25, pp3, ND16
There is another one with minor problems but also annoying - again especially in the wide angel takes.
For me this is hard to accept - what do you think ? The 24-105 is a very sharp lens - maybe too much for the APSC sensor ?
As soon as possible, I will repeat the first video (building) using the FS100 and a Canon DSLR.
Noa Put March 6th, 2013, 05:53 PM Hi Torsten, there is something else going on here as the aliasing is much worse then what I encounter and I have a suspicion the speedbooster is to blame, have you tried to shoot with and without the booster to see if that makes any difference?
Torsten Keil March 6th, 2013, 06:12 PM Not yet, but will do so asap and get back with the results
Torsten Keil March 7th, 2013, 05:32 PM I replaced the video on vimeo with a new version, comparing three different lens setups (Canon EF 24-105 with and without Metabones SpeedBooster, Sony NEX 18-200 PowerZoom Kit Lens)
Sony NEX EA50 moire / aliasing test using Metabones SpeedBooster on Vimeo
will redo the takes with a Sony NEX FS100 and a Canon EOS 60D
Results will be uploaded on vimeo and link posted soon
Noa Put March 8th, 2013, 01:46 AM Thx for your time to test this, I just downloaded the original and it looks like in the video of that buidling the moire is equally bad with or without the speedbooster, is that also what you see in the native image?
Since I was planning to get a speedbooster I was much more worried with your footage from those boats because I could see aliasing everywhere and it sometimes looked quite bad, not sure if the speedbooster does magnify the problem, especially on the wides. I"m currently holding off any purchase for sure.
Torsten Keil March 8th, 2013, 02:40 PM I agree, the jitter in the footage from the watergates bothers me as well. The gray building from the other video is striped so much, that you get moire even when you look at is with your naked eye ;-)
But the boats takes are nothing fancy.
I assume that there are several accumulative factors having their fingers in the pie:
1) The Canon 24-105 f4.0 is a very sharp lens - I always notice that when using then 8 X expanded focus - much sharper than the PowerZoom
2) The SpeedBooster makes a wider angle, demagnifies details while further increasing sharpness
3) The shots at the watergates where taken at contrasty lighting conditions
Anyway I am not excited, the 24-105 together with the SpeedBooster was designated as my parafocal multi-purpose EA50 lens with a reasonable focal range and constant aperture (f2.8 with the speedbooster)
I will do some more tests over the weekend with more in-artificial content.
Besides: I shoot the gray building today again, this time with the Sony NEX FS100 and the Canon EOS 60D - I will upload the footage to vimeo and put a link here
Noa Put March 8th, 2013, 02:55 PM yes, that building is a real stress test for moire, the lines are so close together it's bound to give problems, I am very curious though about your 60d and fs100. My guess would be that the 60d has even worse moire and the fs100 has much less moire but I expect it to show a little, not completely moire free.
edit: now I am looking back at your video I see I misread what was used when, it looks like it's much worse with the speedbooster with your canon lens, no?
Torsten Keil March 8th, 2013, 03:49 PM for a reasonable evaluation I highly recommend to download the original .mov file from vimeo. Do not exclusively look at it while playing but also at freeze frames. I recommend to run the player at original size 1920x1080, also do not look only at the most critical parts of the building but also e.g. at the window frames.
P.S. just uploading the camera comparison - I left out the DSLR footage because it is so appalling that I think I did something wrong while recording.
Noa Put March 8th, 2013, 03:52 PM I left out the DSLR footage because it is so appalling that I think I did something wrong while recording.
I think you didn't, the 60d should be the same as my 550d in terms of moire and that can be very bad, unless you shot at 720p which makes it much worser, my guess is that what you see is what you get.
I will download the original to check.