Steven Davis
March 6th, 2013, 04:04 PM
I downloaded FCPX for this iMac I have. I feel like I'm cheating on a wife of 9 years. We shall see.
View Full Version : Am I cheating Steven Davis March 6th, 2013, 04:04 PM I downloaded FCPX for this iMac I have. I feel like I'm cheating on a wife of 9 years. We shall see. Duane Adam March 6th, 2013, 04:45 PM I know how you feel. I downloaded a trial of PP CS6 a month ago and am slowly transferring over. Have been a Vegas user since 2004 but am frustrated that even 9 years later it still crashes and I still lose work. That said, working in Adobe has made me appreciate all you can do in Vegas. IMHO Vegas has a superior audio system. Simple things like cross fades are much easier in Vegas and it's more intuitive. PP has yet to crash though, and it's a very professional system. It also handles 4K files reasonably well. I'm not giving up on Vegas but am leaning towards a change. Leslie Wand March 6th, 2013, 05:05 PM i think (unfortunately) that there's a great many vegas users thinking that another nle might be an answer to the ever deepening problems with vegas. for my part discovering the jpg/png thumbnail bug newly incorporated into the latest release of 12 (486), simply confirms my view that scs has lost the plot. i'm going to have a closer look at edius (i have cs6 bundle but just don't like premiere). Steven Davis March 6th, 2013, 05:37 PM Leslie, that jpg/png issue is in prior versions, not just 12. And that's my complaint, ever since Sony got it, they've done really nothing other than offer bluray. They don't listen and their Vegas support is horrid. Sigh, I'll stop.... Duane Adam March 6th, 2013, 06:20 PM i think (unfortunately) that there's a great many vegas users thinking that another nle might be an answer to the ever deepening problems with vegas. for my part discovering the jpg/png thumbnail bug newly incorporated into the latest release of 12 (486), simply confirms my view that scs has lost the plot. i'm going to have a closer look at edius (i have cs6 bundle but just don't like premiere). Leslie, what is it you don't like about Premiere Pro? Just curious. Kevin Janisch March 6th, 2013, 07:01 PM I went the other way. Used Premiere for 10 years and knew it like the back of my hand. Crash city with CS2 and just stutter playback with anything HD whereas Vegas Pro 8 cut through it like nothing (current version at the time). Been using Vegas for four years and I will admit I disliked it greatly at first but couldn't get past how much better it played back HD footage over Premiere. Stuck with it and it's a dream . But then again I refuse to upgrade past 8.1c. It is rock stable. I'm still on 32bit XP on Quad Core system with 4GB of usable Ram. Almost upgraded to a new Core i7 rig with full Vegas 12, etc, etc, and then read the horror stories. I rather be able to work than deal with an unstable system as I've been there and done that. Nothing is worse than not being able to work. I use proxy DV files for HD for real time editing than swap the HD files back in for Color Correcting and rendering via GearShift. Leslie Wand March 6th, 2013, 11:08 PM @ duane - i just find it very 'clunky' in comparison to vegas (yes, i know that nothing really compares to vegas, that's why i'm still hanging in there). and before you say it, edius is, if anything, even clunkier. however, i've been eavesdropping on both edius and prem forums and prem seems as bug prone as vegas, whereas edius seems more stable. of course, the true test is always in the users hand.... Brian Drysdale March 7th, 2013, 07:39 AM I know some people are editing with Lightworks, but using their old Vegas for their sound editing etc. That allows them to use both programs to their strengths. BTW That doesn't mean you can't edit sound with Lightworks, just more that because of it's audio heritage Vegas can do a better job in that area. More or less the same idea as AVID people using Pro Tools. Nicholas de Kock March 7th, 2013, 09:19 AM Ever since I changed my "Dynamic RAM Preview max (MB):" to 64Mb my Vegas 11/12 has been rock solid, zero crashes as opposed to crashing every few minutes. Don Bloom March 7th, 2013, 09:27 AM Nicholas, Thanks for that little bit of info. while I wasn't crashing all the time I was having a few issues with 12 and now that I lowered the RAM to 64, suddenly, no issues. funny how that little bit of change can make such a hugh difference. Thanks again. Duane Adam March 7th, 2013, 10:53 AM I'm not able to get Vegas to preview 4K files while PP does a decent job of playing them even at full resolution. My 4k camera arrives today so this will be another factor to consider. |