View Full Version : FS100 used on the Blu e-cig commercial

Glen Vandermolen
February 22nd, 2013, 05:24 PM
This is a really cool behind the scenes look at shooting the Blu electronic cigarette commercial, with Stephen Dorff. They're using an FS100, and I don't see any external recorders, so I think it's in AVCHD. I like how Dorff called the FS100 "an incredible camera."

Now, what I'm not sure about is if this is a spec ad to sell a commercial campaign, or if it's a look behind the scenes of the actual aired commercial. I can't tell, but some of the set ups look like from the actual spot.

here's the behind the scenes:

blu Electronic Cigarettes: Stephen Dorff's Rise From the Ashes - Behind the scenes with blu Cigs - YouTube (

here's the actual commercial:

Stephen Dorff's Rise From the Ashes- Brought to you by blu Cigs - YouTube

here's the Blu web page:

Rise From The Ashes | Stephen Dorff | Electronic Cigarette | E Cigarette | blu Cigs (

It would be interesting if an FS100 was used to shoot the nationally televised ad.

Edit - OK, what threw me off was Dorff saying "print ad." I assumed he meant a motion picture film ad, where you "print" the film. But I think he was referring to a print ad, as in a magazine ad.