Derek Chan
February 18th, 2013, 08:16 AM
Hello! We're a DSLR team of two people.
We use tripods during ceremony one shooting groom one shooting bride.
What do you guys think if we rent 1 more camera and use it to capture crowds reaction while the other two cameras are recording on the tripod?
Have anyone tried that?
Sorry if I rant too much.
Dave Blackhurst
February 18th, 2013, 11:50 AM
Why rent? Just pick up a small P&S, handycam, or GoPro type camera...
There are several "multicam" shooters here, with various mixes of equipment, and it's cheap to get an acceptable "additional angle" capture device nowadays.
Robert Benda
February 18th, 2013, 05:22 PM
We usually have a 3rd camera in back for the wider shot. We use our Bride OR Groom camera for crowd when we know we have an opening. If you want it for vows, I'd get something small (like the GoPro) and mount it discreetly and collect it after the wedding.
Chris Harding
February 18th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Hi Derek
Why one camera on the groom and one on the bride? They normally stand together so if you are placed on the grooms side and in front you favour the bride and get them can then use your second camera to get guest cutaways and groom shots still. I also use a GoPro and for a few hundred bucks it's worth buying not renting..Just put it on a lighting stand and let it run the entire ceremony will be surprised how much of the footage delights you!
Clive McLaughlin
February 19th, 2013, 03:35 AM
I'm still surprised how many people are praising GoPros. I bought one and sold it again within a few days. If there is anything apart from bright daylight, the quality drops dramatically!
Chris Harding
February 19th, 2013, 05:34 AM
Hi Clive
I use my GoPro on Church balconies or on a stand next to me and the footage has always been good...One bride actually wanted "more footage of Camera 3!" You must have very old and dingy Churches over there. We also do tons of outdoor weddings and the only issue closer to Autumn is you get a bit of humidity when the weather is cooler and the cases fog up sometimes. Other than that it's got me out of trouble countless times when the main cam is blocked by Mum's, photogs or people and there is no way to get over their heads. At 8' up in the air, nothing blocks it!!
I never rely on my Hero footage and sometimes never use it but I always rig and run it!! I guess I could see the point if the Church is really dark!! If that happens I'll move the cam right in near the couple where there is usually extra light.
Long Truong
February 19th, 2013, 01:10 PM
I think it depends a lot on how picky you are with image quality and how much work you have to do when trying to match footage in post. Some camera combinations work well because the differences are not too shocking while some others may not even be worth the try.
If you can get your hands on a cheaper backup camera that can easily be matched with your main then it could be a good idea to just buy it. Otherwise, spending a bit of money to rent a decent camera would be a great choice if you want to make sure that you get more consistency and less effort in post.