View Full Version : FCP grabbibg extra 13 frames

John Whiteway
February 14th, 2013, 11:36 AM
I'm editing away and noticing something a bit unusual.

When I play back a clip in a sequence I'm noticing that the clip plays on further than the clip in the Browser. As best I can calculate an extra 13 frames play. Yet, if I stop playing that sequence and go to the cut in the Timeline I only see the cut as it was in the Browser when I inserted it into the Timeline; that is no extra 13 frames. These appear only while paying the sequence.

Anybody got any idea what's going on? Anyway to stop this? If not, when I export the sequence will I be exporting those extra "13 frames"?



William Hohauser
February 14th, 2013, 11:55 AM
What format are you editing in?