Rob Katz
February 12th, 2013, 11:26 AM
18hrs sony fs100 interview footage - digital management issues!
this weekend, i have a three camera interview shoot. (2 fs100s + sony A77)
each camera will generate approximately 6 hours of footage. (6 x 1hr interviews)
3 cameras x 6hr footage will generate = approx 18 hours of footage!
using clipwrap to prores LT will take approx how long?
and how large will 18 hrs of prores LT be? 1tb? 2tb?
(what size hard drive do i need to store/work with all this footage?)
any and all thoughts are appreciated.
be well.
smalltalk productions
this weekend, i have a three camera interview shoot. (2 fs100s + sony A77)
each camera will generate approximately 6 hours of footage. (6 x 1hr interviews)
3 cameras x 6hr footage will generate = approx 18 hours of footage!
using clipwrap to prores LT will take approx how long?
and how large will 18 hrs of prores LT be? 1tb? 2tb?
(what size hard drive do i need to store/work with all this footage?)
any and all thoughts are appreciated.
be well.
smalltalk productions