View Full Version : A 3D video recently Exibited.

Carlton Bright
February 12th, 2013, 10:14 AM
This 3D video, "Williamsburg: 3D of a Decade", was recently projected (Linear-polarized) for four weeks at the VENTANA Gallery in NYC.
This 3D video took four months of Post Production using EDUIS 6.51, and the 3D footage is from a number of paired cameras used during the last several years.
It also uses a few of the CYCLOPITAL adapters for the JVC TD1.
Since the video is rather long, the footage using the CYCLOPITAL adapters can be seen at:

1) The Opening shot of the IPAD and fingers
2) 20 min. The Deconstruction of the Walls (real-time)
3) 25 min. The Pigeons flying near the Garbage. (slow-mo)

It can be Free-viewed at:



Allan Black
February 12th, 2013, 02:42 PM
Interesting use of still shots, thanks for posting.

I didn't play it all the way through, I got to 7.30 then that Sitar and snake charmers flute put me off, even the snake didn't appear.
Sound is 70% of what you see, even in 3D.

After seeing glasses free consumer 3D TV and sensing the coming selling tsunami, to study production now is a good idea.
A Sony rep says, after the wave passes, all new TV sets will have GF 3D.


Carlton Bright
February 12th, 2013, 10:16 PM
That Snake charmer footage is from 2008, when the video media were really tiny files. It is laborious to watch for long. The same for 2008 election night later in the video. The riotous street celebration was when Obama was elected the first time.

The audio is the camera mics, and these were to be some of the "Archival" bits in the video.
That being said. it does take effort to wade through, and the string of stills are used in-between the video, to give a break from the "home movie" nature of the video.

Thanks for your comments, Maybe I will put that bit of video further into the piece if update it in the future,


Warren Kawamoto
February 14th, 2013, 11:36 PM
Cool! I shrank the preview window down so the center of both images were the same distance as between the pupils of my eyes. I sat back, and could see everything on my computer monitor in 3D without any glasses! Try it! Just relax your eyes as if you're looking at something focused at infinity, don't converge your eyes. Hope it works for you, it's really cool!

Bruce Schultz
February 18th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Cool! I shrank the preview window down so the center of both images were the same distance as between the pupils of my eyes. I sat back, and could see everything on my computer monitor in 3D without any glasses! Try it! Just relax your eyes as if you're looking at something focused at infinity, don't converge your eyes. Hope it works for you, it's really cool!

or for $38 you can use these to view any side-by-side online at any size screen in full color without the attendant headaches of the "natural" 3D viewing methods

oO strangeDimension Oo (

I liked the pace of the video above, liked the Vox Pop concept of it.

Matt Faw
March 4th, 2013, 08:01 PM
Good stuff, Carlton, thanks for sharing! Makes me realize what a newcomer to stereo I really am...

I especially liked the hyperstereo shots of the city, and the seemingly steadicam close-ups on the street. Somehow, you seemed to get quite close to people, with plenty of depth, but without ghosting. Don't know how you did it; impressive!