James Palanza
February 10th, 2013, 05:21 PM
Okay, so how about on GH2 # 1, with the card in, im seeing 2 hours, 45 minutes. But on GH2 # 2, with the same card in, I see 4 hours, 20 minutes. Now the settings on each camera are exactly the same.. so what gives. Only difference is one camera is a year newer, and has a different lens..
lol ???
Bob Richardson
February 12th, 2013, 06:14 PM
Since nobody has chimed in yet, I'll ask a couple of obvious questions and a couple of more-subtle ones. (This is not meant to be insulting ... we've all overlooked seemingly-simple things from time to time.)
1. Did you format the cards in the camera, or did they come from a computer or preformatted from the manufacturer? (Best to format cards fresh in the camera each time you intend to use them -- providing your clips are backed up, of course!)
2. If the cards have been used before, even if you "deleted" old files, they may still be on the card if you didn't do an "Empty Trash" on your computer. This is especially true on Macs.
3. Make sure the cameras are set to the same recording mode... Different recording modes have different bitrates and therefore offer different total recording times in the same amount of space.
4. Make sure the cameras have identical firmware. Panasonic has done one major firmware update in the life of the camera that added some additional recording modes.
William Hohauser
February 12th, 2013, 06:31 PM
I have found that sometimes the camera has to record a little on the card before it gets the time remaining right.
Duane Adam
February 13th, 2013, 12:46 PM
I'm thinking it's the different lens.
Jeff Harper
February 13th, 2013, 05:01 PM
First thing I would switch cards/cameras just to see what happens. Depending on the results of this test, you might then: format cards, record an hour on both, turn them off at the same time and look at the cards on a PC.