View Full Version : resurrecting copyright audio for youtube

Jack Smith
February 10th, 2013, 12:51 PM
Wondering if anyone has more info about whats happening at youtube? They have now signed agreements with all the major publishers and there is a hint that we maybe we will be able to use most copyright music in video on youtube legally.

Noa Put
February 10th, 2013, 01:09 PM
In commercial productions? I don't think so...

Jack Smith
February 10th, 2013, 03:37 PM
Noa I didnt say anything about commercial production.
In productions for youtube including monetized.
A lot has changed lately and so the question.

Independent music publishers urged to opt into YouTube licensing deal - (

YouTube signs music licensing deal with BMG and eight other publishers | The Verge (

Noa Put
February 10th, 2013, 05:43 PM
You were not very clear when you said that "we might be able to use most copyright music legally" but thx for providing a link now with more detailed info, makes it a bit clearer.

David Barnett
February 11th, 2013, 12:36 PM
Pretty old news I think. Yeah, they allow users to include copyrighted musical compositions into their videos. They have throughout to some extent, depending on the artist & label.

Sure, there'll be revenue streaming, and the artist gets a part of it. Guess who gets the other part?? Not you. Google. I'm pretty sure videos with copyrighted material are not eligible in the ad sales program and get flagged before enrolling.

Jack Smith
February 11th, 2013, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the input.
I tried to make the question clear as the title is resurrecting copyright audio for youtube and my comment was "maybe we will be able to use most copyright music in video on youtube legally "
Glad that's sorted out. Did you get the same feeling from the links Noa?

David their id software is still pulling audio from videos if it id's it as copyright.I did a video for a musician to be linked to on their fan website.Youtube identified it and blocked it until I proved I had all the licences. Not sure how anyone without licences could pull it off NOW.

Jack Zhang
February 11th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Video ID is a mess. It's already created a chilling effect on fan works with editing that complies with Fair Use. The robot doesn't matter, it just sees a match and blocks it. There are no humans at the other end, and even if there are, if you get denied an appeal a 2nd time, that means they've actually issued a DMCA against you.

I for one am all for Creative Commons content.

Nigel Barker
February 16th, 2013, 05:24 AM
You already can use most copyright music in video on YouTube legally. YouTube only take down productions with copyright audio if it is for a piece for which they don't have an agreement in place. It's simple if YouTube leaves it alone even if it flags it up then it's OK. The only downside is that there are some rights holders who allow their music to be played on computer browsers but not on mobile devices.

Jack Smith
February 16th, 2013, 07:25 PM
Thanks Nigel, however Youtube has it posted on their website that it's not legal to use if you don't have all the licencing.In fact they threaten that they can shut your channel down and not allow you to get another.
I think we are in a grey period at the moment where they let some get away with doing it. Because of the recent agreements I wondered if any info was out there as to when it would be legal because of Youtube's licencing. Still can't use copyright material anywhere else of course.