View Full Version : audio levels for FCPX

Phil Gadd
February 10th, 2013, 08:21 AM
When editing audio, should I always aim to get the audio levels to 0 in the audio meters or should I just use the 0 to to make sure the audio doesn't peak past that point?


William Hohauser
February 10th, 2013, 09:06 AM
The audio seems to run hot in FCPX. I recently switched a regular broadcast project from FCP7 to FCPX and have received notice from the station that the output files have different audio levels despite my attempts to level the audio the same way according to the audio meters. They said that the files are about 3db louder. Of course this might be an issue with the station, since it's the only time I've had an issue, but I found that if I used 0db as the peak level and -6db as the average they have no problem with the broadcast. This is my experience with file delivery to a TV station but when doing other projects I average at 0db and peak at 3db without any problems. It's the dreaded red bar that I avoid.

Phil Gadd
February 11th, 2013, 04:15 PM
Thanks William

Yeah I will aim to do the same