Dale McClelland
February 7th, 2013, 07:29 PM
I have NB Titler Pro 1.0 available in my VP12 media generators. Titler Pro 2 is not listed. I upgraded to VP 12 from VP11 in the early days of the upgrade availability and a version of NB Titler was included, but I don't remember which version. I have a serial number listed in my serial number spreadsheet for the NB Titler I got with the VP12 upgrade. I also have a different serial number in the spreadsheet for the NB Titler Pro that I got with the VP11 upgrade from VP10.
Did the upgrades to VP11 and to VP 12 both include Titler Pro 1.0, even though those upgrades were a year apart? Or did the upgrade to VP12 include Titler Pro 2.0? If it included Titler Pro 2 then I need to install it and use the serial number to activate the newer version.
Leslie Wand
February 8th, 2013, 12:25 AM
titler 2 is a different program to 1.
your serial no. should still active 1 on 12
Richard Jones
February 8th, 2013, 03:23 AM
NB Titler 1 comes with Vegas 12 but has to be downloaded separately. NB Titler 2 has to be bought.
Dale McClelland
February 8th, 2013, 09:55 AM
Thanks, Richard and Leslie. I'll look into the cost and benefit of upgrading to version 2.
Edward Troxel
February 8th, 2013, 10:29 AM
If you have an older version of Titler Pro 1 installed, you also need to update it to a newer version of Titler Pro 1 to use it in Vegas Pro 12. You need a release of Titler Pro that was released after Vegas Pro 12 was released. You can always download the current "For Vegas" version here:
NewBlue Titler Pro - Titler Software for the Professional Editor's Schedule (http://www.newbluefx.com/so/sonytitlerpro)
Dale McClelland
February 8th, 2013, 04:39 PM
Thanks, Edward. I do have the latest version of Titler 1 installed and have been checking it out with VP12. I think I will download and install the Titler v2.0 Trial version to check out the enhancements vs. version 1.
If I decide to buy the upgrade to version 2, do I use the same links on the New Blue website that any users, including non-Vegas users, can use to buy the upgrade or is there a specific link for Vegas users to go to purchase the upgrade? (I ask because I am not sure whether there is a Vegas-specific version of Titler v2, and whether the upgrade price is the same for Vegas users as it is for other users.)
Edward Troxel
February 11th, 2013, 12:12 PM
If you have registered Titler Pro 1 and log into our website, you should be offered to upgrade. If you have any issues, just send NewBlue support an e-mail and we'll help you out.