View Full Version : Can't see anything in preview window, please advise.

Norris Combs
January 24th, 2013, 11:17 PM
Running Pro 12. I can hear the audio, but there's no video at all on the Preview Window.
The footage is .mov
They play fine with Windows Media Player. Please take a look at the attached Screen Shot.

Leslie Wand
January 25th, 2013, 12:36 AM
where's the footage from?

use mediainfo and post clips details:

MediaInfo (

Norris Combs
January 25th, 2013, 12:45 AM
Edit: I messed around with the Preview window setting, and somehow only the 1st couple frames played, but the rest of the video didn't show in the Preview window. Quite frustrating.
The footage is from a Canon AW100 waterproof camera.


Leslie Wand
January 25th, 2013, 06:11 AM
a. have you used footage from this camera previously. ie. does it work in vegas?

b. if you drop a generated media, ie. title or background, does it show in preview?

if titles are showing then it's your camera media.

if not, well, we'll have to look into that...

Graham Bernard
January 26th, 2013, 04:07 AM
Here's a thought. What Build of VP12 are you running?

Here's another thought, and this from the SCS White Paper on Fixes and Known Bugs:-
"When the Show Video Monitor button in the Trimmer window is selected, video that you preview from the Vegas Explorer and Media Manager windows is played back in the Trimmer. Because the Trimmer is placed in the same window dock as the Explorer and Media Manager, you will not see your video preview. To preview Explorer and Media Manager video, you can drag the Trimmer to a new dock group, or you can turn off the Show Video Monitor button to preview in the Video Preview window."
This, and your altering the Preview options, could be some evidenced-based issue convergence going on.

If it plays fine in WMP it kinda indicates you have and the PC knows about its CODEC.



Norris Combs
January 26th, 2013, 05:19 PM
Here's a thought. What Build of VP12 are you running?

Here's another thought, and this from the SCS White Paper on Fixes and Known Bugs:-
"When the Show Video Monitor button in the Trimmer window is selected, video that you preview from the Vegas Explorer and Media Manager windows is played back in the Trimmer. Because the Trimmer is placed in the same window dock as the Explorer and Media Manager, you will not see your video preview. To preview Explorer and Media Manager video, you can drag the Trimmer to a new dock group, or you can turn off the Show Video Monitor button to preview in the Video Preview window."
This, and your altering the Preview options, could be some evidenced-based issue convergence going on.

If it plays fine in WMP it kinda indicates you have and the PC knows about its CODEC.




Thanks very much for that info, it resolved my issue on the Vegas timeline.
However, now something similar is happening in DVD Architect Pro 6.0.
Please see the attached screen shot. The "blacked out" section on the timeline is shorter than that on the Vegas timeline. Audio is normal, but the video just disappeared within that black section.
Any suggestions?

Norris Combs
January 26th, 2013, 05:20 PM
a. have you used footage from this camera previously. ie. does it work in vegas?

b. if you drop a generated media, ie. title or background, does it show in preview?

if titles are showing then it's your camera media.

if not, well, we'll have to look into that...

Hi Leslie,

a. This is the 1st time editing .mov footage from this camera.
b. yes


Norris Combs
January 26th, 2013, 07:25 PM
The weird thing is, the .avc file that Vegas rendered, plays fine using any player. I tried both Power DVD and Windows Media Player. The problem of disappearing video only happens when I drag that file into DVD Architect 6.0. then the Preview window within DVD Architect does not show the whole video on the timeline. Hopefully that additional piece of information will help you guys help me diagnose the problem.

I've attached a youtube clip showing me dragging the .avc file into DVD Architect, double clicking to open it, and you can see the video and audio peaks on the DVD Architect time line. Initially, ALL the video is there, then suddenly a section of it disappeared, that part of the time line turns black!

Graham Bernard
January 27th, 2013, 03:15 AM
Why are you rendering an AVC file from Vegas to then import to DVDA? Are you wanting to render BluRay?

Here's what I do for SD:

1/- Edit "MyProject.Veg" in Vegas

2/- Render "MyProject.Veg" to MPEG2 DVDA Video stream in Vegas . File= " MyProject.mpg "

3/- Render "MyProject.Veg" to AC-3 Audio stream in Vegas. File= " MyProject.ac3 "

4/- Drag 2/- into DVDA

I'm confused . . . . ?


Norris Combs
January 27th, 2013, 01:04 PM
Your suggestion is what I do when I want the final product to be a DVD. For this one, I want to.burn it to bluray.