Malcolm Hamilton
January 23rd, 2013, 10:06 AM
Hi there,
I'm creating (i.e., slavishly copying) some picture profiles into my PMW-200, and I have two questions.
First, can I use picture profile settings that I used with my EX1, or are things now a bit different?
Second, in Matrix, when I try to choose High SAT in the 'Select' setting, all I get are numbers (from 1 to 6).
Does 1 = High SAT?
Jack Zhang
January 23rd, 2013, 10:24 AM
1 does not equal High SAT. 200's settings are slightly different from the EX1.
HG4 should be CINE4 if you used that gamma a lot on the EX1. There are also 6 standard gammas as opposed to 4 standard gammas on the EX1. Detail settings are different from the EX1 due to the new DSP processing in the 200.
You may have to turn up the saturation (level) with the Matrix on 2 and see how you like it. Rest of the settings, like low key sat and black level, should be the same.
Alister Chapman may be able to help you. He built a "Asia" profile for the 200 that has very rich saturation, but it is more for Asian markets:
Malcolm Hamilton
January 23rd, 2013, 10:58 AM
Hi there,
You read my mind, Jack, because Alister's Asia PP is one of the ones I'm including.
I gather from what you're saying that one doesn't choose High or Low Saturation here in the MATRIX selection list (as you do with an EX1), but rather down in the GAMMA list. Alister lists HG3, which I guess is pretty high saturation.
Another difference (I think... not sure, because I no longer have my EX1) is that in HD DETAIL I now have four choice in V DTL Creation: G+R, Y, G or NAM. Don't know what any of them mean. Should I just leave this is the default G+R position?
Still on the subject of saturation, though... Philip Bloom, in one of his PPs for inside shooting for the EX cameras, had High SAT selected in the MATRIX/Select setting. With the PMW-200, I have a choice of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Which one should I choose... do you know? Also, in GAMMA, he had Cine 1 selected. That's not in the GAMMA list for the PMW-200. So what would I choose instead: HG1?
Thanks very much,
Jack Zhang
January 23rd, 2013, 02:52 PM
It's not gamma that determines saturation but the Matrix Level. Alister chose +20 on the level because that gives a High SAT look.
I'm guessing HG1 is CINE1 on the 200.
Do remember that detail settings will be completely different on the 200, so take the principles of what the detail settings on the EX1 do and try to match that as best as you can with the different characteristics of the 200.
Lukas Hribik
January 24th, 2013, 06:09 AM
This is table of approx. equal STD gammas:
PMW-EX1 vs. PMW-200
1 = 1
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 6