View Full Version : Still struggling with gopro and vegas

Arne Pursell
January 18th, 2013, 06:07 PM
(Vegas Pro 12) and cineform update...anyone else? getting 2 fps in preview, whether in clipping window or other. This is albeit on a laptop, but an ok one i7 2630qm. Wimpy vid-card, geforce gt 540m 2gb. Reason I ask, have finally funds for a proper workstation (dual xeons etc), mostly for 3d work (will build render-farm at some point), but wondering whether just settings or something or just gopro vids don't want to play nice with vegas results in terrible preview. No probs playing back gopro vids in VLC or Quicktime, although color is better in quicktime..

Can't believe the steve mobs believers with their even punier hardware are getting any better, or am I completely off-base here?

Thanks, all suggestions welcome...

PS rendering on Vegas 12 is also painfully slow...

Juris Lielpeteris
January 19th, 2013, 03:01 AM
Verify Your project settings, are they consistent with a GoPro camera file parameters. I do not use CineForm, and I only have a Core i3 processor with the same video card (540M), and full quality playback takes place in real time.

Peter Riding
January 19th, 2013, 03:58 AM
Presumably you are talking about Protune files rather than standard files.

In multicam edit mode non-Protune clips play fine for me, always have. But they are hopeless when Protune. I've been using the free Cineform Studio to convert them to AVI. Then all is well. I've been using the Medium setting.


Cedric Cornell
January 22nd, 2013, 02:17 AM
Are you running your gopro files thru the Cineform app beforehand or dropping the native files right on the time line?

Running native gopro files is going to be a painfull experience, forget preveiwing cross-fades etc.

Running them thru cinefom and Vegas will go through them like butter.

I don't know the exaxet technical specs, but gopro only records something like evey 14th frame as a full image. The stuff between is only the differences beween the full frames. Cineform makes ALL the frames full frame. When you put this full frame avi or mov on the timeline, the pc doesn't need to process the video first.