Ian Thomas
January 17th, 2013, 03:56 PM
Yes i know its the entry level dslr from sony but i have been using it in video mode to use in places were i can't get with my sony 320, I have got to say the results have been mixed i seem to get alot of crawl on branches of trees, with this snow we are having in the uk i have been using the camera quite a bit but are not that happy with the results iam using the kit lens and wondered if that could be the problem, the other sony models ie the 57, 67,77 are all the same for video as the 37 is there anybody who could help me please
Dave Blackhurst
January 18th, 2013, 01:37 AM
One "weakness" of the entry level 37 is that it tops out with 24Mbps/60i rather than the 28Mbps/60p. Not sure if that's part of what you're seeing or not, but I would suspect it is.
You probably already know that SLR/SLT "big sensor" cameras struggle with fine patterns with either aliasing or moire' being major "problems". Of course it doesn't affect all scenes, some are really bad, others it's not noticeable. Then again, the "average" viewer probably won't notice the issues if the content is keeping their attention...
Deep depth of field shots with a lot of fine detail are probably not the best uses for these cameras in general - but there are other things they do quite well.
Ian Thomas
January 18th, 2013, 02:15 AM
Thanks Dave
Does that mean that the other sony 57,67,77, have better video than the 37 i thought they were the same?
Iam not expecting it to be anywere near the 320 for quality just thought i could get some fill in shots were i could'nt get with the 320, were will it shine then?
Dave Blackhurst
January 18th, 2013, 05:19 PM
The 37 as the entry level cam does not have 60p and the higher bitrate. Judging from experience with Sony camcorders, the higher the bitrate and the progressive video make a fair amount of difference.
What I expect from an SLT/SLR is good shallow DoF, and adequate "casual" video (and of course high quality STILLS)- in short, it's a tool that does certain things well, but is not the same "tool" as a dedicated video camera.
I don't get TOO disappointed if video from the STILL cameras is a bit "soft", or otherwise not quite what I expect from a dedicated video camera, but I also don't get too disappointed at deep DoF from a video camera, and typically won't even bother with whatever "photo" function they may have.
Start thinking of shots where you want that shallow DoF look - sharp subject, with soft out of focus background, or things where shifting focus points would add interest/production quality. That seems to be the "look" that the SLR/SLT does best.
Ian Thomas
January 20th, 2013, 03:57 PM
well after a lot of thought i exchanged the 37 for the 57 and i must say i like it a lot more the screen is higher rez make focusing easy and the video options are better all in all iam glad i did change