View Full Version : Kinefinity's new MiniS35 2K cam

Glen Vandermolen
January 17th, 2013, 09:55 AM
New Chinese S35 2K camera:

Kinefinity Goes After Blackmagic With RED-Style 2K Camera (

Chris Hurd
January 17th, 2013, 10:39 AM
Thanks, Glen -- looks like there's more here:

DSLR News Shooter | The Chinese KineRAW mini S35 camera – a new rival to Blackmagic Design Cinema Camera? (

(better writing as well)

Those product images are renders... this thing ain't real yet.

Paulo Teixeira
April 19th, 2014, 07:54 AM
I hope some of you don't go deaf listening to this video. I don't know where that beeping noise is coming from and I wish it wasn't their when I shot it because it almost ruins my video.

Anyway, here's a video of their NAB booth with a rep discussing the 4K versions which is on display as well as the new 6K version.

Kinefinity -Kinimini 4K camera - NAB 2014 - YouTube

Maybe I should have started a new thread. Was their a thread already talking about the 4K and 6K versions?

Ken Ross
April 19th, 2014, 08:48 AM
The background voices is more annoying than the beeping.

Murray Christian
April 19th, 2014, 01:26 PM
These guys always seem to get lost in the latest fuss over something by Blackmagic.
Has anyone around here used their stuff? (besides Dan Hudgins). They seem rather promising.

Tim Polster
April 19th, 2014, 02:47 PM
I don't think they have much if anything out for people to have tried yet. I am sure a lot of attention will be paid once they release the 4k version of their camera and folks get a chance to see footage.

4k for $4k might be a steal or too good to be true. On paper it would seem a better way to go than a GH4 + Yagh unit imho.

Paulo Teixeira
April 19th, 2014, 08:30 PM
Well you do get 4K, 10 bit and 422 out of the HDMI port so depending on what your doing, you might not really need that expensive attachment. You'll just need the GH4 and the Atomos Shogun.

Still, the Kinimini does seam promising. This will be probably be a big hit in China and also sell quit a lot in the rest of the world if reviews are good. It's true that they'll have to make sure people from other countries have a good way to repair their cameras if anything happens. Maybe put repair centers in different countries if they haven't already.

Tim Polster
April 20th, 2014, 12:23 PM
Yes, product reliability is a total unknown and I would guess that repair is not going to be a pretty process.

Regarding the GH4, there is no way I would want to work with Micro HDMI holding the fate of the video signal. HDMI has its drawbacks. Mini-HDMI is worse. Micro... :)

Great to see all of these choices in the market though.

Alister Chapman
April 20th, 2014, 01:49 PM
We tested the KineRaw S35 during the CML tests and it did pretty well. Maybe not quite up to the standards of the Alexa or F55 but pretty good none the less. I think the workflow, debayering etc needs some work. Comprehensive Camera Tests 2014 (