View Full Version : B-cam for EA50?
Johannes Lund January 17th, 2013, 02:57 AM I just started to get some equipment for my newly started company. I got some video assignemts the last couple of years and now it´s time to try to do some more.. If you want, you can check out some of the work I did for a travel company here in Norway: Din Tur AS ( I also made short presentation movies of the destinations for the same company, find it on the same site.
I just got the NEX-EA50 as my primary cam. I also got the NEX-5R for stills and to use as a B-cam on some occasions. From the Iittle tesing I´ve done so far it seems that I can match the images quite easily from these cameras. On my last shoot before I got the EA50 I used a Panasonic GF2 and two Sony hxr-mc2000e, and it was not easy to match the images from the Panasonic with the Sony cameras. So now when I´m investing in new gear I want cameras that match easily. I got the 5R beacuse it´s basicaly the same sensor and I can easily swap lenses with the EA50.
I want to get the GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition, but I´m not sure how this will match. Any of you got experience with the Hero 3 and the EA50? I maybe also want to get the VG20 or VG30 to use as a B-cam instead of the 5R because of the time limit on video on the 5R. So what do you guys think, what is the best B-camera for the EA50?
Chris Harding January 17th, 2013, 06:38 AM Hi Johannes
For me there is only one..another EA-50..then it really matches..then again I have always had matching cameras.
For now I'm using my Panasonic HMC82 and the stationary main camera for weddings and the EA-50 for cutaways and all the reception and with the EA-50 set to PP3 it matches very well and also matches my hero 2 footage pretty well too!! I will shortly drop both Pansonics once I'm up to speed on the Sony and get a second EA-50. I played with the SEL50F18 today and it's going to be a killer lens for bridal preparation shoots ...the DOF is really nice and the lens is sharp as a tack...I do like the idea of also being able to swop lenses around between cameras.
I know it's a pricey option but it does have it's advantages
Don Bloom January 17th, 2013, 07:11 AM While I too like have 2 of the same there are a couple of other options. The VG30 and the VG20. The VG30 and NEX50 are about as close to the exact same as you can get and the VG20 is close enough that very very few would be able to tell the difference.
The reason I mention both is money. Plain and simple. The VGs are anywhere from $800 to up to $1600USD less than the NEX50 (prices approximate-YMMV).
In this business, like any other, you makes your choice, you pays your money!
Noa Put January 17th, 2013, 07:26 AM The only problem you might encounter with a vg20/30 is that you can't change any picture profiles or tweak the image as far as I know, so that would mean you have to choose an/or tweak a certain picture profile from the ea50 to match the vg20. If the vg20 would produce a too contrasty or saturated look out of the box then this camera would dictate the look of a 2 camera production and I don't know if that would be a good thing.
Don Bloom January 17th, 2013, 10:03 AM Ah, didn't know there were no tweaks with the VG series. Hmmmm, thanks for the info!
James Manford January 17th, 2013, 10:17 AM The VG20 is supposed to have the same sensor as the EA50
So on that basis I would say the picture quality will be the same.
Im just going to have ONE ea50 until I need another and sell my VG20 to recoupe some of my expense.
Ron Evans January 17th, 2013, 02:17 PM I read somewhere that the VG30 and EA50 have an improved sensor from the VG20. One might question how improved though I seem to remember that they are supposed to have different filtering to improve the video performance. The VG30 has limited filter presets but no Picture Profiles but does have full manual control of iris, gain/iso, shutter and WB as well as all the automatic controls. I expect the EA50 has the guts of the VG30 with real buttons to control things rather than the LCD menu and Picture Profiles rather than the preset filters of the VG30. In full auto at default settings I doubt there is a difference between them.
Ron Evans
James Manford January 17th, 2013, 02:31 PM No, your right. The EA50 & VG30 99.9% share the same sensor.
The low pass filter is mentioned by the Sony Rep, although he can't confirm the EXACT details as it hasn't been given to him yet.
DSLR News Shooter | Video interview: Sony?s NEX EA50 demonstrated (
Steven Digges January 17th, 2013, 08:34 PM The EA50 will be my next B cam. There are many more reasons to match them than just the image. For example "status check" is one of my favorite buttons and I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet. Much of my work involves at least two cameras. With one or more cameras, status check is the last place I go before we roll. With two cameras, and more than one operator, it is too easy to have any given setting just off a little bit and there goes you "match". Status check is a quick and easy fool proof way to make sure all cameras are in sync with each other.
Compatibility with ALL accessories.
Familiarity breeds confidence and consistent repetition.
I often have to use freelancers. I want them to be familiar with my gear.
Chris Harding January 17th, 2013, 10:28 PM Hey Steve
I'm glad someone else shares my thinking ...I have always used identical cameras have a familiar camera and no issues ... I also find myself using the last clip button now and again and I like that too!!
Status is brilliant and a pre-check before a shoot can quite easily forget to set something back to normal's almost like a pre-flight aircraft check.
I'm busy getting my bank balance up again so for now I'm using the Sony as my B-Cam as it works a lot more at weddings and the Panny as my A-Cam. A second one is definately going to happen (hopefully next month) then I'll sell both Panasonics.
Steven Digges January 17th, 2013, 10:53 PM Yes...status, six pages of everything you did in all those menus..pre-flight for sure!
Next month....good for you, glad to hear it, mine will take a little longer.
Chris Harding January 17th, 2013, 11:35 PM Hi Steve
That is the plan but it might not happen!! It might take a little longer depending on income generated. The Panasonic/Sony are working well together for now and I would rather use the Sony as my B-Cam as the A-Cam only really does the ceremony main video/audio from the aisle and then later the speeches from a fixed position.
Realty shoots are one camera and the Sony has been working hard there ...I made a mistake of buying new Panny AC-130's last year and they were a disaster for me (I also burnt my bridges and sold the old cams first) ... This time I'm keeping what works and easing into the changeover so if anything goes wrong I have my two Panasonics to still work for me!! So far there has been no issues at all. My last year fiasco involved two new cameras arriving on a Wednesday and me shooting a wedding on Saturday PLUS I had to construct two shoulder mounts for them!!! Never again doing it that way.
Ron Evans January 18th, 2013, 08:12 AM Status check is good if you shoot with display indications off. I always have all displays on when I shoot with my NX5U as it is easy to touch a switch while shooting and not notice. If you have all the indicators off you will not notice this happen. Remember if you touch any of the buttons for iris, gain etc the camera will take over into automatic even if you think you are in full manual. If you don't have display on you will not notice the indication change to an " A' next to the parameter you have accidentally moved into auto. On the small Sony Hanycams the indications are also on so that I can check WB preset and what is in manual when I set them up unattended for most of my shoots. Having all the displays on makes it a little busy but I have got used to this and feel more secure in what is happening.
Ron Evans
Chris Harding January 18th, 2013, 09:03 AM Hi Ron
The EA-50 is my first venture into "jumping ship" as I have been a Panasonic user since the year dot!!
I do like the fact that the display shows everything you's very can immediately see if you are in manual mode but you have some/all functions in auto ...the little "A" is an immediate indication of what's running manual and what's running auto and the ability to turn each on or off is brilliant ..I never has a camera where you can go manual iris but still have gain/iso in auto. The focus hold is also a neat function.
However status check is still useful to tell you where you audio is set and such !!
Probably the first camera I have used where I have yet to fault any of the functions as "a waste of time"
Peter Rush January 18th, 2013, 09:17 AM Welcome to the world of Sony Chris - The independent man/auto for iris/gain/wb/shutter has been my friend for many long years with the Z1/FX1. It's become second nature for me.
I've also assigned the +/- 2 stops EV to one of the assignable buttons. This camera is so versatile I'm loving it - and that's before thinking about using my Canon glass or even getting stills from it!
Also I'm like Ron - I like to see everything in the VF as it's so easy to knock something only to find out a few shots later.
Ron Evans January 18th, 2013, 10:03 AM I moved from the FX1 to the NX5U too so was also used to Sony's approach. Set up on the EA50 is very much like the NX5U, its almost a large sensor NX5 with some of the AVCHD 2.0 features I like and consumer features I would like on my NX5U like spot focus. The status check only shows audio routing that isn't normally shown all the time and these selectors are behind a door so not likely to get moved once set. So I never use status check at all on my NX5U since I can see whats going on displayed on the LCD including the audio levels. I too have a button set for AE shift at -2 and a button set for spotlight so if I set one of the parameters ( normally gain) into auto I can arrange for the camera response in auto. These indicators of course also show on the LCD when in use.
Ron Evans
Steven Digges January 18th, 2013, 11:32 AM Ron,
Audio only, is just the first page of status check. Did you miss the five pages of information that show up after that when you spin the sel/exc dial? It is easy to miss.
Ron Evans January 18th, 2013, 12:51 PM Yes I know they are there to confirm settings. But never have used them when operating the camera in a shoot. My thought when I wrote that were for things that are easy to change without noticing they have been moved hence the audio comments.I set things up before each shoot . Buttons stay the same so only thing I really change is gain settings depending on the stage lighting for the show. I can see the use if things are changing a lot from shoot to shoot or if the display is turned off on the LCD. All the things that are important for me are continuously displayed though.
Ron Evans
Steven Digges January 19th, 2013, 01:11 PM I understand Ron. I know all you shoot is theater. For guys like me that are in a different situation every time it is very helpful. For those of you that don't works in record and playback also. With much more details than just screen display. For example if you are on a long roll, the first time you push it you will get a VU meter that's calibrated so you will actually know were you at. Then if you use the SEL/EXCT button there is 5 more pages like SD card space used and left, battery details, button assignments, etc.
I recorded bars and tone but the menu did not tell me what the tone was at. If I would have guessed (I don't guess) 1K or -12db I would have been wrong. While recording I pushed status so now I know the tone is -20db. Now I know -20db is about 8 bars or dead in the middle of the crummy LCD meter displayed while recording for quick reference. I am very picky about audio levels so punching up the calibrated meter is important to me.
Robert Moran January 26th, 2013, 12:40 AM I just did a shoot and the VG 29 was the B camera. Perfect match without issue. It's a great combination as both systems use the same sensor.