View Full Version : Maximizing the Driftwood 176MBit Hack

Daniel B. Kim
January 15th, 2013, 11:35 PM
New to the hacked GH2, I've been testing out the hack on some of the footage. Right now I currently have the Driftwood GOPstoppa 176MBit Hack currently hacked into my camera.

What I've noticed though, when I convert my footage using 5DtoRGB, on the bitrate reader, I've noticed that the bitrates vary anywhere from as low as ~40M/s to ~105Mb/s, never to the full capacity of the hack.

I guess my question is, how do I shoot at the full potential of this hack, meaning how do I shoot at peak performance close to or at 176Mb/s? I haven't really tinkered with the settings in ptools with the fear of tweaking something and doing something that I won't know how to fix later on. Does the bitrate reading on 5DtoRGB measure the average bitrate of the clip or the peak bitrate that the clip was recorded at?

Not sure if this is a stupid question, but if it is, hopefully you guys can overlook it and help me out with this one.

Thanks in advance!

Lee Mullen
January 15th, 2013, 11:59 PM
Do you have the direct link to the patch for Driftwood GOPstoppa 176MBit so I can try?

Daniel B. Kim
January 16th, 2013, 11:56 PM
I've been trying to look for it, but I think this is the closest I could find to it, it might not be the same one, but I think the method with which you push the hacks are all the same.

Official Low GOP topic, series 2 - Personal View Talks (

Thomas Smet
January 25th, 2013, 07:20 PM
That seems normal for these type of adaptive encoders used in the GH cameras. What the 176mbps is referring to is the max. Kind of like a VBR DVD where one scene may peak up to 8mbps and another may go down to 5mbps. It really depends on how complex, how much random movement and how much detail a scene has. This is also the reason why some hacks crash with high detail scenes. The encoders choke on the sudden surge in bits.

Buba Kastorski
February 3rd, 2013, 10:42 PM
What I've noticed though, when I convert my footage using 5DtoRGB, on the bitrate reader, I've noticed that the bitrates vary anywhere from as low as ~40M/s to ~105Mb/s, never to the full capacity of the hack.

are you shooting 30 or 24p?
in high bit rate it doesn't go over 80Mbps,
at least for me :)