View Full Version : content browser
Noa Put January 15th, 2013, 11:16 AM Does anyone use the contentbrowser that came with the camera? When I first tried it (after I connected the camera to the pc as I don't have a reader for that mirroring card) I got the message that I needed to download some extra piece of software to view details about a clip but then I found out it was 20 dollar? I am using a sdxc card now with the camera so I can use my cardreader to transfer but the content browser doesn't show me anything, what's the use of this program if it can't see any recorded file?
Peter Rush February 27th, 2013, 06:40 AM I've only just got round to installing this - it only seems to work with files on SD card - also it asks me to purchase a serial number but when I go to the website it says i should have got a serial number with the camera!
If it only works with clips on SD cards it's no good for me anyway - the first thing i do after a shoot is backup all my clips onto hard drives
Chris Harding February 27th, 2013, 07:15 AM Umm mine is still in it's packet and I think it will stay there for ever!!
On the subject of the mirroring card...can you only read via USB from the camera?? The card is narrower than SD cards and does fit in my card reader so it's useless to me.
Anyone use mirroring cards?? I have two here that I haven't used ?
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 07:34 AM I received the serialnumber from the retailer I bought the camera from, they said the number was at the bottom of the camera but I haven't checked. The camera splits continuous recording in 1,97gb files and when I copied the files in Edius I got missing frames when I join them and I thought the software would enable exporting to one big file, can anyone confirm that this is the case? The software that came with my xr520 does that, my cx730 makes one big file during recording.
Eventually I found out I could import directly into edius using the transfer to bin option and edius imports the entire folder structure and gives you one big file without frame loss in the NLE but not on your harddrive where you still have all the seperate files.
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 07:38 AM On the subject of the mirroring card...can you only read via USB from the camera?? The card is narrower than SD cards and does fit in my card reader so it's useless to me
Until now my 64 sdxc card had been sitting in the camera where I would use a separate card reader to transfer and I was planning to use the mirroring card on my paid shoots first in mirror mode, but I remember leaving it in the camera and transferring like that to the pc, didn"t try the usb reader yet but you are probably right, another reason for Sony to make you buy one of their many, and very expensive, accessories. :)
Chris Harding February 27th, 2013, 07:46 AM Hi Noa
Most if not all cameras will split the files and what happens if you copy the files only from the card you will, in fact discover that all the video frames are, in fact there BUT around half second of audio is missing so when you join you get a jump.
Now the correct way is that you don't copy over just the files but the ENTIRE card structure intact and then import the files from the newly copied folder structure on your drive and the minor metadata in the structure will make sure the gap is not there.
Now, I'm lazy and like to copy just the file so I stop the camera somewhere between 16 and 20 minutes and then restart weddings when the priests takes a sip of water maybe?? That way any missing audio is no issue and I don't need to copy over the entire file structure...However just bear in mind this is NOT the correct method to transfer split files!! It's my way only and I'm used to it!!
This is an AVCHD thing and is also due to the FAT formatting of the card ... it's restricted to 2GB per clip
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 07:53 AM It's weird though that my cx730 does indeed create one big clip on the card?
Ron Evans February 27th, 2013, 08:22 AM Its a FAT32 formatting restriction so is on all cameras that use FAT32. The consumer PMB and Content Manger will join the mts files and create a continuous m2ts file named at the date and time the shot was taken as long as the transfer is to a hard drive NOT FAT32 formatted like NTFS etc. Something like 20120825224349.m2ts, so that one can always decode the exact date and time at a later date not possible with a buntch of files that all say 000001.mts!!! My PMB will do the same for my NX5U files as the consumer cameras but PMB will not play the LPCM audio but the file is complete and will play fine in Edius or Vegas etc. So Nao you could just use your consumer PMB to transfer too. Content Manager will of course play the LPCM audio. I always use the transfer software as this also keeps a log of all the transfers too, even the GPS locations!!!
This is the latest one for the AX2000 and NX5U that should also work for the EA50 since it includes the FMU128 Sony eSupport - HDR-AX2000 - Support (®ion_id=1&tab=download#/downloadTab) its a free download as I used this to update my copy.
Ron Evans
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 08:38 AM The consumer PMB and Content Manger will join the mts files and create a continuous m2ts file That's right but for my cx730 I don't use any content manager, just drag and drop the contents from my card to my pc (with the camera connected to the pc with it's own integrated usb cable) and it's one big file.
Ron Evans February 27th, 2013, 09:07 AM The CX7xx series have inbuilt PMB so you have the choice ( at least I see the choice since I have PMB and Content manager on the PC, both windows pop up one from the camera and one from the PMB ) when I attach my CX700 to the PC, so can use the PC version or the inbuilt camera version. You will not see this for the XRxxx series which need the browser on the PC. The reason its built into the latest cameras is so that they can backup to a USB device from the USB host connector that is next to the HDMI connector and SD card slot. This cable VMC-UAM1 is an extra for the consumer cameras but comes with the NX70 and NX30. In this mode( to a PC ) the files are joined on transfer but on the camera they are on a FAT32 formatted memory ( and stay this way to an attached HD with the VMC-YAM1 ) so will be subject to the same 2G limit and if you use Windows Explorer to look at the camera as a memory unit you will still see these FAT32 limited files in the STREAM folder.
Ron Evans
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 09:26 AM But I do use windows explorer to transfer my files. There I just see the cx730 in the explorer window that I connected and when I open it I can transfer my files, is the joining of the files then happening in camera and during transfer?
Ron Evans February 27th, 2013, 10:05 AM Hi Noa are you using the internal memory or have you used a large SDXC card with exFAT formating ? If the latter then that is why you have just one file anyway.
Ron Evans
Christopher Young February 27th, 2013, 10:14 AM I Eventually I found out I could import directly into edius using the transfer to bin option and edius imports the entire folder structure and gives you one big file without frame loss in the NLE but not on your harddrive where you still have all the seperate files.
That's interesting that Edius doesn't join the files. I find in Vegas if you use 'Device Explorer' under the 'View' menu you can view and play the files in the Trimmer window. From the the Device Explorer window you can choose and import whatever files you wish. If the filles imported exceed the FAT 32 limit they are imported as one large file with contiguous time code and no audio or vision breaks. Avoids having to use any other software to import with. Will work direct from a camera or from a card reader. Will not see files sitting on a hard drive though.
Chris Young
CYV Productions
Ron Evans February 27th, 2013, 12:12 PM Vegas doesn't always identify the files correctly though. Just to check I connected up my CX700 that had a 2 hour show on it in 2 acts. Vegas 12 reported a clip of 1hour and 44 mins and another of 10mins !!!! Both acts were about equal in length in fact. PMB correctly transferred these clips with the correct time they were taken. I still use the transfer software, takes no longer and the files are correctly transferred and identified on the hard drive for backup too. For my family video, since both my daughters also have Sony cameras ( video and still) we have a complete family backup and archive with PMB that can show where and when shots were taken ( all cameras have GPS and the stills have compass as well !!). I can thus search by calendar to find what we all did at any date or time. For my project theatre stuff I just transfer to a project directory that is not registered to PMB. These files are then backed up by project.
Ron Evans
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 03:07 PM That's interesting that Edius doesn't join the files.
Edius does join the files, after I have imported all the separate files are in the folder structure but there is also one file that appears as a complete file without any cuts in Edius but the file is not present on the harddrive as one big file .
Noa Put February 27th, 2013, 03:08 PM Hi Noa are you using the internal memory or have you used a large SDXC card with exFAT formating ? If the latter then that is why you have just one file anyway.
Ron Evans
No, I use a sdhc card, I never did use a cardreader to transfer the files though, I"ll have a look to see on the card what exactly is on it by using my cardreader, when I look through the windows explorer there is only one folder with all files on the card, there is no folder structure like on my ea50.
Ron Evans February 27th, 2013, 05:33 PM No, I use a sdhc card, I never did use a cardreader to transfer the files though, I"ll have a look to see on the card what exactly is on it by using my cardreader, when I look through the windows explorer there is only one folder with all files on the card, there is no folder structure like on my ea50.
That is interesting. What is the directory named and are the files m2ts? If they are m2ts then there will have been a conversion somewhere in the camera. How are they named too.
Since I have PMB installed whenever I connect up any memory unit ( including an SD card from my GoPro ) PMB will launch ready to transfer the files with the only input being to direct to the folder of choice and choose files. I actually have to launch the Content manager but do so for the NX5U files.
Editing in Edius or Vegas I just bring into the bin etc from the hard drive after I have backed them up.
Ron Evans
Noa Put February 28th, 2013, 05:02 PM I finally figured out what the camera is doing, I had one continuous recording on one camera of over an hour, when I connect the camera to my pc the camera appears in my windows explorer as "sony cx730" and when I double click to view the contents I see the pmhome.exe file, a "info" folder which holds only a register.url file and one more folder named as the date of recording and inside that folder there is one .MTS file that has a 16gb size which I can drag and drop to an internal drive on my pc as one big file.
However when I extract the card from the camera and use a cardreader I get the same folderstructure in windows explorer as on my EA50 with several 2gb mts files.
So the camera seems to handle to joining process if you use it to transfer the data without the use of extra software.
Ron Evans February 28th, 2013, 07:28 PM So the camera seems to handle to joining process if you use it to transfer the data without the use of extra software.
Check on the programs you have on your PC to see if you have the PMBmobile as one of your installed programs. Sony may have a different PMBmobile on the CX730 to my CX700 which needs to be loaded from the camera to do what you have detailed. I just wonder if the camera is loading the PMBmobile in the background if you connect the camera. It is of course on the camera so is not available on the card. If you record to the onboard memory and look at that in explorer I see for my CX700 the normal file directory that you see on the card plus a directory called PMBMobile that contains the software to load on the PC this light version of PMB.
Since I have PMB installed whenever I connect anything that has video or still files the program launches with the PMB window for transfer. Even for the GoPro micro SD card !!! Using the PMB is by far the easiest way of transfer for me anyway. Don't even have to actively load the program just tell it where I want the files to go.
My NX30 does not of course have this PMBMobile in the main memory. Since I already have Content Manager for the NX5u and PMB on the PC I have not bothered loading the disc that came with the NX30. Both programs see the NX30 just fine and either will transfer.
Ron Evans
Noa Put March 1st, 2013, 01:35 AM No PMBmobile installed at this moment on my pc and my camera has no internal memory, I can only record to a card.
Noa Put March 1st, 2013, 03:08 AM I just wonder if the camera is loading the PMBmobile in the background if you connect the camera.
On second thoughts you might be right here, I just connected the camera to my windows 8 pc that is only used for internet and as soon as I connected the camera I got a "pls wait, installing the camera" message appearing in a window on screen, it just showed for a few seconds, then disappeared and the camera was visible in the explorer but there was no indication in the installed programs window that anything had been installed.
So it might be that the camera installs a driver automatically upon first time you connect it?
Ron Evans March 1st, 2013, 08:17 AM I expect it is running a light version of PMB when the camera is connected just to join files and do none of the other things that PMB does like log time in the calendar, GPS etc. Its clever though if it integrates with explorer.
Ron Evans
Stephen Crye March 1st, 2013, 09:48 PM My NX30 does not of course have this PMBMobile in the main memory. Since I already have Content Manager for the NX5u and PMB on the PC I have not bothered loading the disc that came with the NX30. Both programs see the NX30 just fine and either will transfer.
Ron Evans
Hey Ron! Long time no chat. BTW PMB is the bomb, I can't live without it and it is one reason I'm sticking with Sony.
I'm finally going to buy and keep something - I hope. (you might recall my long battle with trying to find cam #2). I've finally decided to buy two cams. One will be a Nikon D7000 (on sale until tomorrow at B&H). I plan to use it pretty much only for intrervalometer astro and night time lapse).
The other is going to be either the NX30 or the EA50. Neither is perfect. I'm kind of leaning toward the EA50, and not worrying about the low-light problems or the lack of good run&gun ENG capability. I can always use the trusty HDR-CX500V for that. I'm really attracted to the EA50's super-sharp regular light performance and low CA in the shots I have seen at the long end of the kit lens. Sony NEX-EA50 vs. Sony HVR-Z5U on Vimeo
This is a radical departure for me, seeing as how "I hate bokeh" ... but after 18 months of looking for a cam I need something. I can use the EA50 at wide for a second cam during symphony shooting, and get the closeups with the CX550V. Don't need 1080 60p in that environment. During the day, I need the 60p.
In a month or so here in El Paso they are going to blow up two 600' smokestacks - ASARCO - they are the tallest standing stacks in the USA. I need a good telephoto and 60p for that two-cam shoot.
So, how do you like the NX30? I can't find any decent footage on the web - do you have any? Something that might sway me from the EA50?
Noa Put March 2nd, 2013, 01:47 AM I can use the EA50 at wide for a second cam during symphony shooting
You might think twice before getting a EA50 as b-cam for indoor stage shots when using the stocklens, I have shot a dance performance last week using my two cx730 (basically the same camera as the nx30 but without xlr) and my ea50 and the footage from my cx730 is better. It has less noise and it's sharper. the image overall has more punch and nicer deeper color.
It might have been better if I"d used a 14mm f2.8 prime lens to have less noise in the image (lower iso would be needed for teh same shot) but where you could see small detail on faces, like the eyes, mouths etc on the widest angle shots from the cx730, the ea50 displayed something that seemed to look like aliasing, not sure how to describe it right in English but from a translator I"d say it was "coarse".
For stage performances my cx730 outperforms the ea50 for sure image wise, also the smoothness and speed in the zoom is much better suited to follow the action on a stage.
Ron Evans March 2nd, 2013, 08:38 AM Steve, video performance of the NX30 is the same as the consumer Sony's like the PJ760 and not too different from my CX700. I think you would see an improvement in noise level and detail from the CX500. I have a XR500 which is the same vintage as the CX500 and both the CX700 and NX30 have a cleaner looking video. It has better choice of frame rates and data rates, LPCM audio and full time code control like the NXCam range of Sony cameras. I like the My buttons feature that allow 3 buttons on the LCD to be chosen for actions ( in my case spot focus, Steadyshot and framing ). Image stabilizer is fantastic. You could view the NX30 as a new version of the CX500 with some extra features. It uses different batteries though but the new batteries will work on the old cameras but not the other way around. Projector is a bit of a gimmick but does work well and I will use when I am on holiday.
If you are buying the D7000 ( video is restricted to 24P for 1920x1080 by the way, there are other DSLR with better choices like the Sony equivalents like the A65 that at least have 60P and 60i as well as computer friendly 30p mp4 for the WEB also on sale at less than the D7000) why would you consider the EA50? You could get a NX30 ( for the LPCM audio that would be useful for you I think), a PJ710 and a couple of lenses ( tele converter and wide converter) for them rather than an EA50. With the DSLR you would have three cameras then for all occasions with LPCM audio for recording the orchestra.
Ron Evans
Steven Digges March 2nd, 2013, 12:34 PM Hey Guys,
You have me confused here. Your discussing a boat load of camera models and software.
So.. with the EA50:
I did not load the content browser yet but I am going to. I found the serial numbers on a white piece of paper that came with the camera.Labeled Content Browser activation pack.
So far I have not let the camera do long runs of recording but normally that is common for me. I shoot a lot of corporate presentations so one hour or more runs are common. So why the hell is this thing running on FAT32 instead of NTFS? There must be a reason but it is beyond me why they complicate things with a 2 gig restriction. Most external media cards come formatted in FAT32 but it is no big deal to reformat to NTFS. With "AVI type two" files the audio can shift slightly out of sync on long runs. Is that the case with .m2t?
I have been using a card reader and then dragging and dropping folders or files in windows explorer. I edit in Premier Pro CS 5.5 or CS3. The m2t files are several folders deep on the cameras card. Which FOLDER should I be dragging over to windows to ensure everything will match up? Then, do I need to drag a folder into my media bin in Premier or just the m2t files I want to use?
This file syncing thing really concerns me. I must get it right! I will try to load content browser today. Does if facilitate file transfers in a logical process? I thought it was primarily just a viewer for AVCHD files, I will check it out.
Ron Evans March 2nd, 2013, 03:12 PM Content Management Utility will join the mts files and rename them by the date and time they were shot to a m2ts file like 20130228102020.m2ts That is date, time and frame. With GPS on it will also record the GPS coordinates and keep a log of all your transfers if you want it too. Read the instruction because it is confusing the way that one has to set up the capture directory and change as needed. I set a new directory for each project. I always use the PMB or Content Management utility for transfer. PMB will pop up automatically if it detects a video or still file on an inserted media of any kind. Content Management Utility needs to be loaded and directed to source for transfer. Both will play AVCHD files but only Content Management Utility seems to play LPCM audio. Both correctly join files and sync audio and I see little point in not using the software that Sony has designed for transfer.
Ron Evans
Stephen Crye March 2nd, 2013, 08:30 PM You might think twice before getting a EA50 as b-cam for indoor stage shots....
For stage performances my cx730 outperforms the ea50 for sure image wise, also the smoothness and speed in the zoom is much better suited to follow the action on a stage.
Thanks, that pulls me back toward the NX30. I'm afraid of the chromatic aberration and possible edge coma and poor focus, though. I was burned badly by the NX70, still feeling the pain ... The vimeo video that I mentioned in my post yesterday has very low CA and that really attracts me.
Have you looked at this vid of the NX30 - notice the horrible CA on the light pole at the beginning of the video?
Also, please have a look at these image captures comparing the HDR-CX550V with my NX70 - have you seen anything like this from the CX730?
Although I hate to post a link to another forum, I discussed the problems with my NX70s here:
Why I returned my Sony HXR-NX70U (
Stephen Crye March 2nd, 2013, 08:39 PM Steve, video performance of the NX30 is the same as the consumer Sony's like the PJ760 and not too different from my CX700....
If you are buying the D7000 ...Ron Evans
Hi Ron, please see my reply to Noa Put regarding fears of NX30 ... I would love it if you could read that post and the upload some test shots and frame grabs that would allay my fears. I know that the NX30 has the CA, the youtube vid shows it, and I hate, hate hate CA .
I just bought the Nikon D7000 about 20 minutes ago from B&H, really good price; I got the body + LowePro bag + 16 GB SanDisk + refurb 18-105 lens for $1135.00.
To be clear, I have no plans to use it much for video. I chose the Nikon for one big important reason - built in intervalometer. Sony and Canon don't have that feature and I must have it. I plan to use it almost exclusively for time lapse astrophotography , and perhaps a bit of night time lapse.
Thanks ... would love to see those sample NX30 vids. I might buy it first from B&H, if I don't like it send it back ... that would make 6 buy and trys since October 2011 ... arrgh.
Stephen Crye March 2nd, 2013, 08:50 PM Hey Guys,
So why the hell is this thing running on FAT32 instead of NTFS?
All cameras use FAT32 for the SD cards and internal memory. I agree this is stupid, who knows. Conspiracy? ;-)
Any way, use that PMB/Content manager - it is fabulous. I regularly assist Ozzie Carrillo of City West productions here in El Paso when he produces the DVDs and BluRays of the El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras performances. ( Ozzie shoots with 3 or cams - NX5, PMWEX3 , PMW320 and FX7) and a I put my CX550V behind the orchestra on a tall tripod; it produces the "conductor cam" that shows the Maestro's face. I leave it running for 3 hours with the big beefy battery; often the files, after PMB grabs them, are 25 GB. All seamless, perfect!
Stephen Crye March 2nd, 2013, 08:55 PM Hey Guys,
I will try to load content browser today. Steve
If you can't find it, let me know and I will upload a copy of mine to my website or somewhere. Sony makes it hard to find and download. Ozzie bought his NX5 used and it did not come with a copy, so I already did the work of grabbing the latest version for him. I have it on a thumb drive.
And yes, it is way more than a viewer. It can even clip vids (lossless) and do great frame grabs ... higher resolution than 1920x1080.
Ron Evans March 2nd, 2013, 09:07 PM I think part of the problem in this video is its in manual too much. These cameras operate best in semi automatic operation. Just tell the camera how you want its automatic system to be biased the way you like the picture to look. On the back of a bike I would have left it in full iAuto mode and I think it would have done a much better job with AE shift at say -0.5. iAuto does a much better job of choosing focus/exposure and will attempt to get most of the picture in focus by changing the exposure parameters as needed. If the operator starts to use too many manual controls it is difficult for the camera to keep the lens/exposure in the design sweet spot. Left in auto the camera has the option of changing depth of field by using iris,gain and shutter speed to the known characteristics of the camera based on its programmed scene choice. I usually have the camera in fixed WB ( indoor preset for the theatre for all the cameras) and normally just spot focus and use AE shift at -1.0 or so for theatre lighting. I never manual focus any of the small Sony's I have ( SR11, XR500, CX700 and now NX30) always spot focus in the light used as it is lighting dependent in that the camera seems to choose the max depth of field at this setting. That is why I like these little cameras for fixed unattended theatre shoots because they do such a good job operated this way. Often puts my full manual attempts with the NX5U to shame !!!!
Ron Evans
Ron Evans March 2nd, 2013, 09:12 PM .
Thanks ... would love to see those sample NX30 vids. I might buy it first from B&H, if I don't like it send it back ... that would make 6 buy and trys since October 2011 ... arrgh.
I will try and shoot something over the next few days and post. Its not that interesting here at the moment just lots of snow outside !!!
Ron Evans
Chris Harding March 2nd, 2013, 09:47 PM Hi Ron
With the content browser can you just pull the MTS files that need joining up from the card reader? I load the Content Browser and then direct the left top window to the card reader and it finds the SDHC card and the files. On my current card only the first two files are split as all the rest are under 12 minutes so I selected 0000 and 0001 and then said "Export" and made a folder on the HDD called NXCAM and it dutifully exported the two clips.
In the new HDD folder I now have a bundle of files and amongst them I now have THREE AVCHD files ..all renamed by date...however the first two seem the same size still?? 12 minutes and 4 minutes and then there is a third unknown AVCHD file of 2 minutes???
I would have thought the software would have merged the two split files into one ??? Any idea what I am doing wrong?? and why the extra AVCHD clip??
Ron Evans March 2nd, 2013, 10:31 PM If you have the Content Utility set up correctly you should not see ANY mts files only clips ( video between start and stop regardless of length ). The whole point is to transfer clips NOT mts files. You decide what clips you want to import but they will be clips not mts files. The Content manager will not merge clips that were not greater than the FAT32 file size just because they are consecutive. It creates clips defined as video between when you press the start and stop button on the camera only. Chris you should not have seen the mts files, they should have shown up as clip pictures with a check box for selection. Its getting a bit late here so I will post a picture of the selection box in the morning.
Ron Evans
Chris Harding March 3rd, 2013, 02:11 AM Thanks Ron
So also the camera needs to be connected?? I was simply asking it to import from the cam card in my reader and there were 8 files on the card but only 00 and 01 were split.
The help is much present I just grab the files off the card and direct into Vegas after copying to my drive. The audio gap however is a mere 2 frames so very seldom is audio affected...Panasonic AVCHD clips used to have 12 frames of audio missing.
Noa Put March 3rd, 2013, 02:13 AM do you have missing frames when Vegas imports the entire folder structure from the card? With Edius I know found out it doesn't loose any frames, the only thing I don't like is having such a folderstructure on my drive, I rather just have one single large file.
Noa Put March 3rd, 2013, 02:38 AM I just found out that the serialnr I got from the store has too few digits to activate the content browser, acc to Sony's manual the serialnr should be printed somewhere and should be in the box with the camera, I can't find it anywhere. Is there anyone that did find it and where exactly?
Ron Evans March 3rd, 2013, 07:37 AM Most Sony boxes have it on the shipping label. The box my NX30 just came in has it on the shipping label with the barcode next to it. This an update for the NX5 Sony : HXR-NX5E updates | Download updates for HXR NX5E | HXRNX5E ( should be OK for AVCHD 2.0 as this version is also for the FS100/700.
Ron Evans
Ron Evans March 3rd, 2013, 08:33 AM Some screen shots of the browser. There are 2 for the PMB . The PMB capture screen automatically opens when an external drive is attched to the PC that has video and still files on it. The selection screen is obvious I think. You can also see that you can name the directory and location ( or let the program do it) . I usually decide on location but use the standard directory naming of the date of import.
The Content Management has the main screen that has to be loaded like any other program. Clicking on the camera icon in the top left will bring up the import screen and when the particular memory unit ( my FMU128 in this case directly connected) on the left is selected the section screen will open. If there are more than one memory unit all will be visible. In the case of my NX5U there could be 3 memory units of course. The FMU128 and 2 SD slots. The EA50 could have 2 if the FMU128 is also installed. Selecting any of the boxes next to the clips will select for import to the PC. Selecting a clip will place it in the monitor for viewing as I have shown in the monitor screen. On the bottom of the window you will see the location that has been selected for import. This can be changed to any of the registered directories and new directories can be added under the tools menu. You will note that there are no mts files visible in any of these screens and they will not be on your PC after import either only the m2ts files that are the full clip that was shot.
Ron Evans
Chris Harding March 3rd, 2013, 09:04 AM Hi Ron
Thanks for that! I still don't have any success though! The Content Browser finds files on my SD card but if I choose "Import" it finds nothing as it's only looking for MP4 files????
Can you import files just from the SDHC card or does the camera need to be connected?? ...If I ask it simply to browse files it finds them on the card and will also play them fine but then the import option is greyed out!!
Noa?? In the box is a piece of paper saying "Content Browser.. NXCAM Activation pack" and below that are three sets of numbers (mine start with X9T.......) I went to help and register and it accepted the first number..Dunno why there are three though!!
Noa Put March 3rd, 2013, 10:28 AM Most Sony boxes have it on the shipping label.
I can't find it anywhere, I contacted my supplier again, see if they can help me further. Don't understand why Sony is making this so difficult.
Noa Put March 3rd, 2013, 10:31 AM Doh! just found it, it was in between all the manuals that came with the camera. :)
Ron Evans March 3rd, 2013, 10:56 AM With my NX30 it just needed the camera connected when the software was loaded and I expect it got the serial number from the camera. The version for the NX30 is and the one I have been using for my NX5U is They seem to work the same way and so I expect the newer version allows for AVCHD 2.0 60P .
This is how it looks for the NX30 clips selection .
Ron Evans
Ron Evans March 3rd, 2013, 11:12 AM Chris , this is the SD card with some clips from the NX30. Load Content manager, connect the card reader, click on the camera icon top left of screen and then this screen will open for you to select the clips you want to import.
Ron Evans
Stephen Crye March 3rd, 2013, 12:44 PM I think part of the problem in this video is its in manual too much. ..
Ron Evans
Manual or auto has nothing to do with the chromatic aberration on the light pole against the sunset. Can you comment on that? Post examples from your footage that shows how to eliminate it? Its CA like that that led me to reject the NX70, and if I buy the NX30 and it has it, it is going right back to B&H.
Everything else with the video is OK by me.
Stephen Crye March 3rd, 2013, 12:49 PM Hi Ron
With the content browser can you just pull the MTS files that need joining up from the card reader?
You don't use a card reader. Leave the card in the camera. Plug the Sony camera into the computer via the USB. On the camera, a menu will pop up allowing you to choose card or internal (assuming the camera has internal, on card-only Sony cams such as the VG20, that menu does not pop up).
Then, on the computer in PMB/Content Manager, do File, Import. Pick the camera. Browse for the footage - you will not be selecting clips, the browse shows entire shooting sessions regardless of how long they were. The details of the file system on the camera are hidden, all you see are the actual continuous recordings.
Hope this helps,
Chris Harding March 3rd, 2013, 06:34 PM Thanks Steve but that's a PIA ..I would rather just shorten the clip by two frames so the audio is continuous!
Ron?? I cannot see any camera icon on my content browser at all... ?? Which Window would it appear in??
Ron Evans March 3rd, 2013, 06:44 PM Chris . If you look at my post with the window captures its in the one called main screen fig 3 of 6 that I uploaded. Its a camera icon just under the file and edit top left. This is the windows that should open when you launch Content Management Utility. Mine works for the camera, for a card reader or in my case the FMU128 direct. Any combination results in the same window just different identification in the selection window. It will even look in directories on the PC hard drives too. Look at my post again and see if you have the same windows . If not, take a screen capture so we can see what you have.
Dan Eskelson March 3rd, 2013, 06:47 PM Chris,
Just been experimenting with the Content Browser and it seems that the camera has to be plugged in via USB in order for the software to function. Which does save pulling the SD card for each transfer, and apparently also solves the large file stitching issue.