James Manford
January 15th, 2013, 10:45 AM
Sony NEX EA50 test - depth of field with kit lens - YouTube
After adding a ND filter of course. Check this latest video out.
After adding a ND filter of course. Check this latest video out.
View Full Version : Nice soft background with Kit Lens James Manford January 15th, 2013, 10:45 AM Sony NEX EA50 test - depth of field with kit lens - YouTube After adding a ND filter of course. Check this latest video out. Noa Put January 15th, 2013, 11:09 AM The nd filter used was not good enough, easiest is to get a quality variable nd filter so you can dial in the needed ND, she also says the Hoya 0.9 ND softened the image and gave a greenish tint, when I look on Amazon for the Hoya filters it seems they are very cheap so you get what you pay for. This is a nice example though about the image degradation when using a inferior filter. Lee Berger January 15th, 2013, 01:17 PM Based on the variable ND filter tests in this video I went with the Genus GL GNDF-67 ND 67mm Variable ND Filter Shootout - Polariod Genus Lightcraft Tiffen Singh-Ray Heliopan - YouTube I bought a stepdown ring for my 50mm . Using the filter I was able to go at 0 DB 1/30 shutter and f1.8 outside in bright daylight using the 50mm lens. http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/attachments/sony-nex-ea50-all-variants/28592d1357333334-sel50f18-test-50mm-genus-variable-nd.jpeg No one in the office that day so I had to do a self portrait. Could and can be a touch sharper in the focus. The Genus filter is well built and priced. I think I paid $108 via Amazon and Adorama. Noa Put January 15th, 2013, 01:41 PM Thx for the link Lee, that was a very helpfull video. |