Peter Rush
January 14th, 2013, 08:01 AM
Anyone having audio issues in Premiere CS5.5? I've just shot some test footage in 1080/50p and it imports without audio (I've copied the entire folder structure which I believe is important for AVCHD)
if I record audio in 'Linear PCM' it imorts the clips without audio, but will import with audio if I set it to 'Dolby Digital'. I believe PCM is superior quality so this is what I want but Premiere is having an issue with it.
Lee Berger
January 14th, 2013, 08:07 AM
Did you wait for Premiere to finish conforming the audio?
Peter Rush
January 14th, 2013, 08:18 AM
Yes Lee but there was no audio to conform - it treats the clips with PCM audio as video only - clips recorded with Dolby seem fine - also, very strangely, Windows Media Player also plays the clips recorded with PCM as mute (even though they play back in the EA50 with nice, clear audio) but will play back the clips with Dolby ok
Chris Harding
January 14th, 2013, 09:15 AM
Hi Pete
Windows Media Player will play back my Sony MTS files with no issues except, like you there is no audio unless you record in Dolby.
However Sony Vegas finds the audio and plays the PCM audio tracks with no issues. The reason for importing the entire structure is so files over 4gb are joined correctly...I cannot be bothered with all that fuss so I simply so a stop start on long weddings at the end of the homily to keep files under 20 minutes and then I just import the files in the stream folder only...The ability of CS5 to read the audio tracks must be in the NLE cos mine reads them fine...seriously I'm not really sure how much better the PCM audio is, it all sounds the same to me and integrates with the dolby from my Pannys without sounding any different (it does eat up more card space though!)
Paul R Johnson
January 14th, 2013, 09:22 AM
I never bring in the complete structure, only the files themselves and never find any problems just joining them up on the timeline - no dropped frames - they just work? Same with audio.
I suspect something might be adrift. I know it's a daft question, but you did try pressing play, even though you can't see the audio. I once had the surround sound from one camera import, but onto tracks off the bottom of the screen. No idea why? I thought they were missing, but were actually there, beneath a few blank tracks where they couldn't be seen.
Other than that, have you tried to see if you can strip off the surround into discrete mono tracks?
Peter Rush
January 14th, 2013, 09:34 AM
Paul - Premiere is definitely treating the clips recorded with PCM as video only - the icon in the project manager confirms this - it shows a 'film clip' only and not a 'film clip' and 'speaker' - I guess I'll be happy to stick with Dolby for the camera audio as most of my usable audio at weddings is recorded with other devices anyway
Steven Digges
January 14th, 2013, 12:26 PM
Did you double check all of your project and capture settings in Premier?
Mike Beckett
January 14th, 2013, 01:01 PM
I had the same with my NX70.
Premiere Pro CS5.x couldn't handle LPCM audio in 50p mode. LPCM with other frame rates, or Dolby Digital at any frame rate was fine. Search the NX70 forum for info (b*****ed if I can paste a link in using the iPad!)
CS6 fixed the issue. Or just don't use LPCM!