View Full Version : 7D vs GH2/GH3

Kyle Hawthorne
January 13th, 2013, 11:21 PM
I'm a regular on POTN, but am looking for a forum better suited for DSLR video discussion and google brought be here.

My brother and I currently shoot wedding using three 5D MKII's and have a need to add a crop sensor camera capable of 60 FPS. We could use the extra reach and plan to incorporate some slow motion.

Right now I am torn between adding a 7D or going the micro 4/3 route. The 7d will add continuity to our cuts and is obviously computable with our current gear (lenses/batteries/CF cards/etc.), but I've heard really good things about the GH2 and GH3.

I don't want to become one of those shooters who becomes blinded by brand loyalty and does what's comfortable instead of what's best. For those who are familiar with both the canon crop sensor cameras and the GH2/GH3 offering, what is your take?

Bruce Foreman
January 13th, 2013, 11:43 PM
I converted from a 7D, 60D, and T3i; the 17-40 f4L, 70-200 f4L, EF 28mm f1.8, EF 24mm f2.8, and original EF 50mm f1.8. Sold off all after beginning to use a used GH2 and a few lenses I had for the Olympus Pens.

Primary reason was the incredible sharpness and detail afforded by the GH2 in both still photo and motion picture mode, some feel it's too sharp but I felt I could shoot "soft" (diffusion at the lens) any time needed. All my career in professional photography I've been a "sharpness nut" and Bruce Dale's "Summer Morning" on vimeo shot with a factory stock GH2 sold me.

Another factor was size and weight. The cameras are smaller and lighter, m4/3rds lenses quite a bit more compact and lighter without giving up any sharpness. I'm retired so I don't shoot weddings or events, most of my stuff is personal short subjects. I have 3 GH2 bodies, a decent set of lenses, and a GH3 body on pre-order.

Kyle Hawthorne
January 13th, 2013, 11:51 PM
Did you miss the narrow DOF? Also, did you use any of your Canon glass with the GH2 via a lens adaptor?