View Full Version : Vegas Markers into DVD Architect?

Gerald Webb
January 13th, 2013, 05:00 AM
I normally use Encore so forgive my ignorance.
Since there doesn't seem to be a way in the universe to get my Vegas Chapter Markers into Encore Im trying DVD Architect for a few jobs.
How do I get Markers to export from Vegas into Architect.
Side note, why on earth can't we open up a Vegas project in Architect? Sony really needs to catch up with Dynamic linking.

Peter Riding
January 13th, 2013, 05:11 AM
Its an option to tick in the Render dialogue box.

If you have already done a monster render and don't fancy repeating it you can insert Markers direct in DVDA. Just go to the appropriate places in the DVDA timeline - you'll want to zoom in for that obviously - and use the keyboard M to place markers.


Jeff Harper
January 13th, 2013, 08:48 AM
Yes, as Peter alludes to, including markers with a render does not happen by default with a Vegas render. It is maddening to me because after I do a clean install of my OS and Vegas and I almost always forget to check the box in the render dialogue, and then have to re render. After I check that box it will do that without the need to re-check the box.

After you render with markers, and after you bring the movie into DVDA, double click on the movie icon in DVDA on the menu, and it will show you the markers on the timeline in DVDA.

If you had previously set up the DVDA menu, but then re-render the video file to include markers, if you use the same DVDA project, you will need to click above the timeline on the "load markers" icon in order for DVDA to find the markers.

Mike Kujbida
January 13th, 2013, 10:05 AM
If you forgot to include the markers during your render, here's a script I grabbed a long time ago that may help.

Here is the explanation from the script.

Script to generate *.sfl file from Vegas timeline markers, which can then be imported into
DVDA as chapter points. (File format same as that saved by Vegas.)

1) The sfl file **MUST** use the MPEG file as basename, eg. "myfile.mpg.sfl".
2) If string length (including null byte) is not word aligned, ie. odd bytes, then pad
with another null byte to make it even bytes.
3) Chapter point need to fall on an I-frame, so actual frame used will depend on
how DVDA search for I-frame. If there is ever an option, choose search backwards.

And here's an important note from the developer (name unknown):

So, you run this, and it will create an SFL file. Make sure this has the same name as your MPEG video file. So, if you have a "My_film.mpg" video file, you will create a "My_film.mpg.sfl" file. Then, in DVDA, open the project, or if the project hasn't been started, drop the video into the project. If, for some reason, the markers don't appear, click on the "Load Markers" icon above the timeline, after first double-clicking on the video file in the project area.

Note: I have found that, for some reason, markers sometimes don't appear at the correct location on the timeline. I have not been able to determine why this happens, but I have a way to workaround the problem. Open the script in Notepad. Find this line, near the top of the script:

Code Block:
var NTSCFrameTime : double = 1471.47; // 30000.0/1001.0 = 29.97....

Change the 1471.47 number to one of these numbers:


Peter Riding
January 13th, 2013, 02:27 PM
Jeff if you modify a template to include Markers and then rename it, then you will not have to remember to click to include them each time. If you also click your modified template to include it as a favourite it will of course be easy to find - as you no doubt know.

Another workaround might be just to rerender the audio tracks complete with markers and bring that into DVDA, deleting your previously rendered audio track. That would be far quicker than rerendering the whole thing.


James Redmond
January 13th, 2013, 04:29 PM
Another option is to use the Vaast Ultimate S program. There is an option in there to just render out the marker info. In DVD Architect, when you in the timeline of a particular video, there is an icon for import markers.

Easiest is to always have that marker checked off (render marker) when rendering your mpeg file.

It does work. Just need to learn the process. Good luck. James

Gerald Webb
January 13th, 2013, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the replies :)
However I am having no joy what so ever.
Tried the script, thanks Mike, it makes a file, but when in DVD Arch it wont import, I'm clicking this button, see pic, yeah?
I named it exactly the same as the vid file in same folder.

Another workaround might be just to rerender the audio tracks complete with markers and bring that into DVDA, deleting your previously rendered audio track. That would be far quicker than rerendering the whole thing.

Tried this too with Regions first, no go, so tried again with Markers, still no go.

After you render with markers, and after you bring the movie into DVDA, double click on the movie icon in DVDA on the menu, and it will show you the markers on the timeline in DVDA.

Where are you referring to here Jeff?

Gee, should it be this hard.
I would have had the chapters done manually 5 times over by now,
Now it is just a case of Me v DVD Architect. I don't like to lose LOL.

Edward Troxel
January 14th, 2013, 10:22 AM
Gerald, it's not hard at all. Just a couple of steps:

1. Render to the MPEG2 file and make sure you have the "Include Markers" option checked before starting the render.

2. DO NOT move the files after they are created.

3. Open DVD Architect, add the MPEG2 file, and the markers will be automatically picked up.

It really is that simple. But step #2 is vitally important.

Jeff Harper
January 14th, 2013, 10:55 AM
Peter, I've tried just re-rendering audio to get my markers, didn't work for me, but it might have been something I did wrong.

Gerald, yes that is the load markers button, can't be sure what is happening, or not happening.

Mike Kujbida
January 14th, 2013, 01:09 PM
Gerald, my guess is that the script needs to be updated as it was written for a much older version of Vegas.
I just tried it in 64 bit Pro 10, 11 and 12 and, while it shows up in the script menu, it doesn't do what it's supposed to do :(
VASST had a similar free script several years ago but it's no longer on their site and I don't have it on my work computer. I will check at home tonight and see if I still have it. If I do, I'll post it here for others to try.

Mike Kujbida
January 14th, 2013, 04:33 PM
Drat!! I just searched my hard drive and the script is no where to be found :(