View Full Version : pdw-700 import to disc problem

Dave Roberson
January 9th, 2013, 01:52 PM
A major client of mine now wants all video sent to them on xdcam disc as a fully functioning disc, proxies etc.
I have 700 firewired to sony viao computer, I have connectivity to the camera, view clips, play and import them. I can even write mxf files to the userdata file on the disc. No matter what I do it will not let me export video to the xdcam clip file and create a disc. I get a non specific error message.
I have tried using vegas9, Clip browser and Content browser and on 2 different computers with freshly formatted discs. All firmware is up to date.
Is there some setting on the camera that I am overlooking?
Its as if there is a record inhibit put on only the clip folder of the xdcam disc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks

Uli Mors
January 10th, 2013, 03:09 AM

I am doing this day by day with vegas, just some little tweaks necessary:

First be sure you have activated free naming of clips - otherwise the disc will accept only very strong reglemented countered clip names (C0001.mxf etc.)

Have a try:

Go to menu FILE NAMING

Change entry from C***** to TITLE

in the page before that page you can define a general title scheme that is produced by camera recordings.
NOW the pdw700 accepts all kind of names you produce with your PC.
(like Clip01.mxf , footage0815.mxf , master05072012.mxf and so on)

If NOT in this mode, the disc usually denies taking a nonconform clip name, sometimes even if you think you are right (however)



Decide what your format is.
I found it helpful to switch disk behavior to "mixed", that means heavy or slightly different recording formats can be mixed on a disk.

Example: If you recorded an SD colour bar within the camera, the PDW700 denies any clips that arent exactly in this format (error code isnt helpful).

Format the disk.

Make your first experiments with mixed recording enabled (ALL Menu 078 or so).
If this works , you can go to mixed rec disabled for better customer compatibility and do your next steps later.

Its important to meet the XDCAM specs when exporting to disc (into clip folders)

a) Use the XDCAM PDW700 (50mbit) preset, check if this is NTSC or PAL frequency , otherwise change the preset (50 frames/60 frames aka 25 / 30 interlaced)

b) export a short clip aka "file1.mxf" to harddrive

c) from harddrive, copy & paste the clip into a formatted disk, CLIP folder.

If this generally works, you can disable mixed rec and export/copy & paste the next one.

Feel free to contact me : , I am an XDCAM Sony I.C.E. (indep. cert. expert) trainer in Germany.


Alister Chapman
January 13th, 2013, 03:25 AM
This is normally caused by a either a file compatibility issue or a file naming issue. Its been a while since ive done this so im going from memory:
First check you have file naming set to "title" or "free" on the camera. Make sure that the .mxf of the clip your trying to export is uppercase .MXF

Dave Roberson
January 13th, 2013, 11:11 PM
Thanks to both of you. The file naming C*** was my biggest problem. After fixing that I can export to disc using content browser.
What I need to do is take pmw F5 HD422 50 mbs and export it to xdcam disc as a fully functioning disc with proxies etc.
Is f5 footage going to be the same xdcam mxf files that my 700 shoots so that I can literally drag and drop the files from sxs to xdcam disc clip folder and create a disc with proxies just as my 700 would without any kind of rendering?
Thanks again for the help

Alister Chapman
January 14th, 2013, 04:59 PM
F5 422 XDCAM material should be 100% optical disc compatible.

Uli Mors
January 18th, 2013, 10:42 AM

Sony HD422 XDCAM is a standard, could be different in audio channels (PDW700 records 4ch).

Have a try!