View Full Version : Couple of hints, tips and fixes so far
Chris Harding January 9th, 2013, 05:42 AM Hi Guys
Generic Batteries : Both Don and I have "Sony" batteries on our video lights that are "suitable for F550, 770 and 790" ..I always use genuine batteries on cameras but it's nice to know if you ready get in a mess that, yes, your light batteries in fact DO work in the camera (mine are 4400mah) and also display the battery condition. Useful to know if your genuine batteries fail/go flat/get stolen etc etc
Mounting Accessories on the Shoulder Pad : I first just screwed on my radio mic bracket on the mounting screws and it worked fine but the antennas were tickling my ear so I extended mine back a bit and also so I can use Noa's brilliant battery mount at the back instead of on the light. However when it was in the first position it still was great until I found there wasn't enough space for my fingers to extract the battery for charging so if you mount stuff keep it behind the pad not on it otherwise you will struggle to grab the battery pack!
Swinging LCD...I still have a temporary mod here until some genius comes up with an idea but pushing a block of foam (like in your camera cases) 35mm x 35mm x 50mm between the tube and the camera has worked so far and the foam stops the LCD swinging inwards
Noa Put January 9th, 2013, 06:25 AM A word of warning on using generic non Sony batteries, I have a older Sony xr520 and a new cx730 and have used a new generic battery on them (don't recall the brand as it was a loan for a shoot) but on 2 occasions both camera's gave a warning on the lcd screen about the battery and then shut the camera down while it was recording. This battery had been used on several shoots on the xr520 without a issue and then suddenly the camera started acting up.
I"m not saying the ea50 will have an issue with other brand batteries but I wouldn't like this to happen during a critical shot. (Like during the exchange of the vows or rings).
Also if a non Sony battery would "explode" (don't know the right word for it but have seen it happen that a battery expanded inside the camera and deformed the camera chassis and melted a part of the body due to the heat.) you can forget about warranty. Since the battery is fully enclosed in the EA50 it will damage the camera if something goes wrong with the battery. If that would happen with a Sony battery during the warranty period you are at least covered.
Sony batteries are expensive but just getting one extra 770 or 970 will get you going a full day on a shoot. It's not a part I would be saving on, unless you are using it on a videolight power adapter where generic batteries have it's place.
Chris Harding January 9th, 2013, 07:32 AM Thanks Noa
I was purely mentioning that in an emergency a generic battery might be OK..I certainly wouldn't go out and BUY generics. Never mind the 790 which lasts forever, the megre 770 was at 82% today after TWO property shoots of around 2.5 hours so the real batteries are truely amazing!! A spare 790 per camera is all you really need!! Even on my lights the generic Sony's last me all night!!
Don Bloom January 9th, 2013, 12:05 PM Glad to see I won't also have to buy more new batterys. With the Sony 970s I have and the 770 that comes with the camera I should be good to go for many many hours. Plus I can use all of my generics strictly for lighting as I have been so nothing changes! Good to hear!
Rod Pike January 9th, 2013, 02:23 PM Hi Guys,
Does the sony 930 and 960 fit the EA50? Thinking about a second camera and have 5 of these all in good condition.
Noa Put January 9th, 2013, 02:35 PM according to Sony's manual, no, but someone having these batteries might try.
Chris Harding January 9th, 2013, 10:37 PM Hi Guys
Ok I modded the receiver mount and added Noa's delightful battery idea and it works well. Shucks the camera is quite long now but I still love the low profile overall
I just made a "T" shaped fitting with 1.25" aluminium flat bar...I not really happy with using the elcheapo charger as a battery holder but it will work for now.
Peter Rush January 10th, 2013, 04:02 AM Hi Guys,
Does the sony 930 and 960 fit the EA50? Thinking about a second camera and have 5 of these all in good condition.
My NP-F970 batteries seem to work but even though fully charged read 75% full in the display!
It's my first day with this camera and I'm liking it so far - nice ergonomics, weight well balanced - not as front heavy as I might have thought, fast responsive auto mode
I'm struggling a little with the the zoom - whatever setting on the lens (H/M/L) it seems to have the same zoom speed - even though in the menu it is set to 'variable' - any ideas?
Noa Put January 10th, 2013, 04:41 AM I'm struggling a little with the the zoom - whatever setting on the lens (H/M/L) it seems to have the same zoom speed - even though in the menu it is set to 'variable' - any ideas?
If you operate the zoom from the switch on the lens the 3 variable speeds work, only if you assign the zoomfunction to the zoom button on the body you need to set the zoom speedtype to fixed and then dial in a value bewteen 1 and 32 just below that after zoom speed. So that means going to the menu each time to change the zoom speed if you plan to use the zoomrocker on the handle.
Noa Put January 10th, 2013, 05:19 AM Ok I modded the receiver mount and added Noa's delightful battery idea and it works well. Shucks the camera is quite long now but I still love the low profile overall
Maybe it's good if you also post these mods in the " Receiver Mount and Comments in General " section you started where I posted my set-up? Or maybe start a new one with "mods" only? It's not easy to group all these usefull posts so it can be found back for later reference.
I was also thinking to use wing nuts to fasten the audioreceiver and battery adapter to the shoulder pad, now I need a screwdriver to take it off, I only don't know if it still would be possible to take out the battery from the camera but sure will try to see if it works.
Peter Rush January 10th, 2013, 06:28 AM Nice to see outdoor white balance compensation - just hit the little button to the right of the presets and you can cool down or warm up incrementally using the thumbwheel! Similar to my Z1
Chris Harding January 10th, 2013, 06:36 AM Hi Pete
What will they think of next!! That's something I always wanted if the AWB doesn't quite get it right..I see the button next to the presets you use the same SEL/PUSH Exec wheel just behind the button to make the adjustment??? That's the one I use for the menu rather than the one under the handle..I will give that a whirl tomorrow definately!!
I'm loving this camera more and more each day!
Peter Rush January 10th, 2013, 06:58 AM Chris this is something I use on the Z1 all the time - especially in winter when the WB is correct for sunlight but very blue in the shade
You need to be in manual mode with the WB preset set to 'outdoors' in the menu - then (with wb set to 'preset') push the little button to the right and adjust the SEL/PUSH/EXEC - you can adjust - or + 7 steps - it's a lifesaver sometimes
Chris Harding January 10th, 2013, 07:39 AM Hi Pete
So it won't work for indoors?? Sometimes the camera struggles to adjust for the blue light coming from my PowerLED on the camera...if it won't compensate, it would be nice to be able to tune out the cold light at wedding receptions a bit...normally I give AWB a good amount of time to find balance by pointing at a white table cloth or such and if it won't balance it would be nice to be able to adjust it....otherwise I'll just use a stored preset that I can generate in the reception venu with the light on and simply use that??
For interest, my associate shot a wedding for me 2 weeks ago on a Z1 ...he wasn't very happy about the IQ compared to more modern cameras that he has been using but it certainly did the job OK!! Are you going to carry on with the Z1 or retire it now?
Peter Rush January 10th, 2013, 07:54 AM Hi Chris - No, like the Z1, WB compensation is for outdoor preset only, but the range you can adjust makes it ok for mixed lighting as well. The EA-50 is going to be my camera of choice from now on - with my Panny TM900, 5D MKIII and GoPro bringing up the rear.
The Z1 (I also have an FX-1) has served me well for nearly 6 years but it's time for it to retire - I've yet to have a customer complaint about the quality of my wedding videos (quite the opposite) but it really struggles in low light plus the footage from the TM900 and 5D really do show it up!
By the way, regarding age, I'll be 52 next month and I've been involved in video production since I was a student in1978 working on Type C 1" tape!
I don't suppose you've worked out a quick n dirty way of compensating for backlight when in auto mode on the EA-50? i might start to miss my Z1's backlight function
Ron Evans January 10th, 2013, 10:21 AM I don't suppose you've worked out a quick n dirty way of compensating for backlight when in auto mode on the EA-50? i might start to miss my Z1's backlight function
I have EA shift assigned to a button on my NX5U and you could do the same on the EA50. Preset the AE shift to allow for backlight to your taste in the menus and when you hit the button it will apply to the auto function. Assuming it works like the NX5U.
Ron Evans
Steven Digges January 10th, 2013, 12:18 PM Digital zoom - loss less or not, solved. Sony very clearly advertised the digital zoom function as loss less. That led to a lot of discussion because new users could see the degradation.
On page 38 in the manual I quote "Due to digital processing, the image quality will deteriorate."
Kind of funny....I knew that.... but I wanted to believe the hype ; )
I am 53. I have been making images since 1987 when I started in this business as a still photographer. As I sit here trying to learn the EA50 I am longing for a Nikon F3 that had no electronics except a poorly functioning light meter. Best camera ever made. Seriously, today's electronic wonders blow me away. The bang for the buck with this camera is amazing. It sure beats having a VTR hanging off of your shoulder cabled to the camera head! I know you know what I'm talking about.
This forum allows me to lean from all of you, regardless of age. I love it. The greatest thing I have learned from being "experienced" is to listen and learn.