View Full Version : Rode iXY announced

Colin McDonald
January 8th, 2013, 12:45 PM
RDE iXY Stereo Microphone for iPhone & iPad (

Just had the newsletter about this. Interesting idea.
Who's going to get one first and let us know well it works?

I did wonder if it is completely immune from RF interference when used with an iPhone, but most people would probably want to switch to "Airplane mode" anyway.

I might be tempted to use one with my iPad along with the Rode Rec HD app (link to download from the App Store on the iXY link above). I have a couple of Zooms (H2 and H4n) and while they work OK I was thinking that Rode/iPad setup has at least the potential to be rather better, not that it could compete on price if you don't have an iPad or iPhone already!

Any news on what the iXY will cost?

Chris Hurd
January 8th, 2013, 01:29 PM
Colin beat me to it... here's the full press release, with pics:

Introducing the RØDE iXY microphone for iPhone and iPad at DV Info Net (

No word on price yet, I'll try to find out...

Chris Hurd
January 8th, 2013, 01:31 PM
Well, that didn't take long... price is $200 if you buy direct:

RØDE Microphones Online Store -- iXY Stereo Microphone for iPhone and iPad (

Allan Black
January 8th, 2013, 03:59 PM
Yep, Rode will exhibit at Booth 50001 at the CES in Vegas .. it started today !!!

WOW click on 50001 here ..2013 International CES® Exhibitor Details - Rode Microphones (

The CES folks are keeping up too :) Anyone here, there already?


Colin McDonald
January 8th, 2013, 04:36 PM
I've been playing with the Rode Rec HD app (paid version) and I must say I'm very impressed, even using the built in mics. It's easily the best recording app I've seen for iPhone/iPad. The sharing in particular is an absolute breeze to use and has a whole load of options for uploading and file formats.

Gints Klimanis
January 8th, 2013, 05:07 PM
This looks great, but what's up with shipping for only the obsolete 30-pin connector?

Chris Hurd
January 8th, 2013, 05:08 PM
Market proliferation, perhaps? There's more of those than the new connector.

Here's an idea, use this with a 4th gen. iPod Touch, which has that connector. Refurbs are pretty affordable.

Gints Klimanis
January 8th, 2013, 05:49 PM
I hope the Rode followup comes soon. I suspect there may be an issue with hanging a large dongle from a tiny connector. Perhaps a longer cord is better for dongles using either type of connector.

Chris Hurd
January 11th, 2013, 11:45 AM
Here's the Rode iXY promo video...

Introducing RØDE iXY stereo microphone for iPhone and iPad on Vimeo

John Gerard
May 21st, 2014, 06:33 PM
Hi all, excited about this rode mic. :-) I love anything that is high quality and uses either my iPhone or iPad. Gotta Love that. I have some of the same questions.

The earphone Jack on my iPhone 5s is at the bottom of my phone. I think this was a bad design on Apple's part. From this mic product to my extended battery when plugged in I can not use the earphone jack at the same time. I don't have this Rode mic. There are many times where I want to charge my phone and lessen to music. I wonder how this unit is going to work on the iPhone 5s. Unless an updated device can be designed with an offset base in order to leave room for the earphone jack.
I also wondered if this device can be used as an audio monitoring device as well as the recorder since the Canon 60D and 70D do not have audio monitoring. This would be great. Also I wish Rode will make a similar unit that includes just the A/D converter unit with a 3.5mm plug so I can plug any mic into the unit. I think that product would really sell. What do you think of that idea?
I downloaded the Rode iPhone app already. I am going to test some of these idea using my Rode NTG2 mic and post my results on my website
I did download an app that turns my iPhone into a Light meter.

John Gerard

Steve Struthers
May 21st, 2014, 09:07 PM
If you ask me, I would say the problem lies in the fact that Apple designed the iPhone primarily as a phone and a media consumption device. They probably weren't thinking about the ergonomic needs of recordists and other content producers.

Which is a shame, because when properly leveraged, the iPhone can be an incredibly powerful tool. The iPhone is the only device I know of that comes close to being a 'do-it-all-in-one-package' device.

I just wish Apple would give up their excessive need for control over consumers, and develop an iPhone that offers USB host mode so files can be easily managed, a microSD card slot for removable storage, and a discrete microphone jack so people don't have to buy stupid adapter cables or other outboard devices just to be able to plug in a low-power external mic. I agree that one of the iPhone's strengths is its simplicity, but that often seems to come at the expense of those who need a flexible tool. The iPhone could pretty much replace all of the sub-$300 and $300 - 500 handheld digital audio recorders out there if Apple added all the things I've suggested to their next iPhone. I know it'll never happen. Hey, I can dream, can't I?

John Gerard
August 6th, 2014, 03:38 PM
I hear you and your suggestions are nice. It probably will not happen if Apple tries to make every revision of the iPone thinner and thinner. Also we are probably a small subset of he iPhone market.
But I would not mind a small external adapter cable. I see after some research that the mic input on the iPhone is only mono. I am looking for either a cable pre made or the Pinout diagram for the lightning connect to make a mc stereo cable. I heard that Apple has a proprietary chip in their cables. Anyway Rode must have figured out the stereo to lightning issue in their new Ixy mic. Hoping that someone will make such a cable.
