View Full Version : Les Misérables

Allan Black
January 6th, 2013, 06:45 PM
Just saw it, a very powerful experience: phew!

The music and the sound will definately get best Oscars. I'd say it's the best Dolby surround job ever and the emotional reaction;
people were crying in the theatre.

They players all sang live with a piano just off set, once you know that, you can appreciate how they could really get into it.
The bigger choruses were post recorded or even prerecorded. Whoever matched that up in post is a master craftsman.

So they were mostly all live performances, the leads used lav mics and ear pieces which were digitally removed in post,
that couldn't have been done 5yrs ago.

Anne Hathaway should also make room on her shelf for an Oscar. She really got into it, at one point she walked off screen with the emotion
of the song .. and we all followed her.

The orchestral backings were added later, anyone who knows how that's done can be speechless and rightly so.
You could throw the click track out the window and when you really think about it, they couldn't have done it any other way.

Imagine the adrenalin rush everyone experienced when they heard they'd got the job, WhooHoooo!!

Hugh Jackman, the cast and crew deserve every accolade they get, sadly it was probably the project that cost Russel Crowe his marriage.

Foley was done way outback in Oz, waaaay outback. About FeetnFrames | Feet'n'Frames | (
