Derek Reich
January 6th, 2013, 10:48 AM
Has anyone ever had the XF Utility fail to recognize something shot on a card? I recently had a shoot where with an important interview was shot on the C300. Upon downloading, the XF Utility didn't show it on the card while other broll was there from earlier in the day. For a heart-stopping moment I thought perhaps I had double-punched or something, but looked at the download files.... and there it was. I could see the files, but it never showed up in the XF Utility window. I transcoded into Final Cut to make sure the file was okay, and it's all there and just fine.... other than XF Utility ignoring it's presence. This is somewhat alarming, as I might have just looked at the content before downloading, and assumed we didn't have it based on what XF Utility was displaying. Lesson learned. Also, is it possible to use XF Utility to look at files that have already been downloaded to a drive? I've tried to do that, but it never seems to be able to locate the files.
Sabyasachi Patra
January 6th, 2013, 09:20 PM
During my first shoot with the C300, I messed up. As I assumed that just pulling the contents from the card via the Finder in my mac will be fine. The files got downloaded but Canon XF Utility doesn't recognise that. If you open the Canon XF Utility and click on back up media, then the files get downloaded and it then recognises. The manual says that the files have to be downloaded keeping the original folder structure intact, however just pulling the files from card to the comp via finder of Mac or windows explorer in windows based computers wont work. One needs to create virtual media.
Nigel Barker
January 6th, 2013, 11:43 PM
To the OP I know that it may sound too stupid to be true but I have been caught out before with XF Utility when I thought clips were missing & then realised that I hadn't scrolled down & that the missing clips were there after all.
After you have backed up cards to disk using XF Utility you can right click in the left column & select Set Virtual Media & point the utility at the root of the saved files. If the disk that you backed up to is unavailable you will see the filename greyed out.
Derek Reich
January 7th, 2013, 01:02 PM
I know about the scrolling down bit.... done that before myself. But this time, and USING XF Utility to download, the files just were not recognized by the software. As I mentioned, everything was there (whew!) but still........