View Full Version : 2012 Charity Challenge Entries!

Lorinda Norton
January 1st, 2013, 11:49 AM
A hardy and determined foursome completed entries for this year's charity challenge with the theme "TREES." Thank you so much for joining and sticking with it, Trond, Kevin, Toni, and LeRoy!

Here they are for our viewing pleasure. Contestants, post your feedback threads! And to everyone else watching them, please, feel free to offer comments on these fine works!

Toni Dolce
O Tannenbaum
O Tannenbaum - YouTube

LeRoy Gunderson
"Perches and Pathways"
Perches And Pathways - YouTube

Trond Saetre
How Trees Are Used
How trees are used on Vimeo

Kevin Railsback
The Standing People
The Standing People on Vimeo