View Full Version : Finding CS5 downloads, for fresh install?

Jeff Troiano
December 26th, 2012, 10:34 AM
I stupidly upgraded my Mac Pro with the latest OS yesterday. Now my Mac is acting up.

I need to do a fresh install of my OS, which means ill have to reinstall all my programs once I'm done formatting and installing the OS.

I'm assume I'll need to unregister (guess that's what it's called), my copies of CS5 programs, so that when I reinstall and register Adobe doesn't stop me from having more then 2 copies registered.

My question is, I don't have a physical copy of the CS5 programs, and I don't have the funds at present to upgrade to CS6. Where can I redownload the CS5 programs? I tried searching on Adobes website, and a simple google search, but I've yet to stumble across them.

Any clue where I can find this, or the best way to do this? Should I copy all my programs to another hard drive, and then just copy them back to my freshly cleaned boot drive?

Thanks for the help,

Ann Bens
December 28th, 2012, 04:13 AM
If you bought and downloaded from Adobe then go to you account.
There you will find a download of your product.

You cannot copy programs, they need to be installed.

Pete Bauer
December 28th, 2012, 07:03 AM
Jeff, you're referring to "activation" and before re-doing your computer, you definitely should deactivate. FWIW, I had one instance a few years ago where my C drive hard failed immediately after installation and activation. I called Adobe with my product key number and in less than 10 minutes my 2nd activation was replaced in their system and I was able to reinstall on a new HDD. Still, probably best not to tempt fate, especially if you don't have the software properly registered.

Ann is referring to an "Adobe ID." If you got CS5 via electronic download from Adobe, you do have an Adobe ID and hopefully have it and the password handy.

If you installed from boxed discs, you may or may not have accepted the prompts to create an Adobe ID when you initially installed. If you did, at least Adobe should have a record of your license -- not sure how much they can or will help with obtaining replacement discs.

If you never created an Adobe ID, they will probably have no record of your license and I'd guess they probably can't help you...although it wouldn't hurt to call with your serial number / product key in hand.

One gotcha: If you bought it "used" from someone else or borrowed it, most likely the original owner will be recorded as holding a license. There is a process to transfer a license from one end user to another posted somewhere on the Adobe web site and if that wasn't done (probably overlooked by many people selling their software license), in Adobe's eyes the original purchaser is still the owner of the license.

This is also a good reminder to all of us to be more diligent with something we often don't get around to: keeping a "last good backup" of our OS / Program drives!