View Full Version : Final Cut 6 updates not available.

Craig Hollenback
December 22nd, 2012, 09:50 AM
Hello, I have a disastrous problem! I was forced to do a fresh re-install of my FCP 6.01 from the box. And then, in order for my existing sequences to work, I needed to update to 6.06. (I never upgraded to 7). The auto software updates would not work so I went to Apple's site to manually download the update. It no longer exists!
I contacted tech support who has been working on the problem for a week and they too are surprised to see that the support updates are missing from their site and are looking into why.
My complete library of work (sequences) that I have created is no longer viable as they were created on version 6.06. I would upgrade to 7, but it seems Apple no longer offers that option either.

Please, if there is a solution to this problem, please advise. My entire business it shut down and the clock is ticking financially. Thank you for any help.
Best, Craig

Andy Wilkinson
December 22nd, 2012, 10:08 AM
Although most of my work is with Adobe Production Premium CS 5.5.2 now, I still use FCP 6.06 for some legacy projects that a number of my big corporate clients want regularly updating. My worst fear is something like this ever happening to me/my business. Like you, my discs would only get me 6.06 if I did a fresh install from them.

I know it's easy to be wise after the event.... but did you not keep a back-up disk image of your OS drive??? Also, although much less useful/reliable with FCP (as I understand it from what I've read in the past), what about Time Machine back-ups???

Craig Hollenback
December 22nd, 2012, 11:00 AM
I did neither of those backups as I was only upgrading to snow leopard when the issue occurred. I should have.
I do have a redundant computer with 6.06 installed. Is it possible to mirror to an external drive then port it over to the crippled machine? That system disc has a fresh install currently of leopard.
The best would be to find and actual download update from 6.01 to 6.06...I suspect interim updates will also be needed as well.
I'm surprised that professional users would be thrown under the bus this way. In essence, that computer is no longer usable for any editing of FCP projects.
Thanks, Craig

Dave Farrants
December 22nd, 2012, 02:54 PM
What version can you go to? I have a copy of the 6.0.6 update (20Mb). Email me - with your contact email.

Noa Put
December 22nd, 2012, 03:14 PM
Is this not the download link?
Final Cut Pro 6.0.6 (

Andy Wilkinson
December 22nd, 2012, 03:25 PM
I think you just made someones Xmas Noa!

Dave Farrants
December 22nd, 2012, 04:46 PM
Not quite, the download link is 'broken" - try it.

I've Dropboxed it from a backup disk I had, em for link.

Craig Hollenback
December 22nd, 2012, 06:41 PM
What version can you go to? I have a copy of the 6.0.6 update (20Mb). Email me - with your contact email.

Thank you Dave, I will contact you ...I have version 6.01 installed and working fine with the exception that it won't allow programs created with 6.06. I need 6.06...hoping I won't need interim updates.
Yes, you just may have made my Xmas!

Craig Hollenback
December 22nd, 2012, 06:45 PM
Is this not the download link?
Final Cut Pro 6.0.6 (

Yes, thanks Noa...they have a broken link for the update...seems to have mystified their tech support as to why....reporting that they no longer support the product, but the update should be there....they have asked their tech people to look into it...unfortunately, my reputation and business may be destroyed by the time it's resolved.
Thanks, Craig

Noa Put
December 23rd, 2012, 02:16 AM
Yes, thanks Noa...they have a broken link for the update...
Well, I thought I found it a bit too easy :)

Daniel Ridicki
January 7th, 2013, 10:51 PM

I saved that update and still have it. Not that I knew what surprise we shall soon get from Apple. Just so happened. So anyway, if you or anyone need it, let me know and I will send it.


Philipp Eierund
August 20th, 2013, 05:03 PM
Hey Daniel,

I just sent you a private message. Do you think it would be possible to send me a copy of that update?



Andy Wilkinson
August 21st, 2013, 03:11 AM
I recently fresh installed FCS2 on Snow Leopard and managed to get all the relevant updates to get to FCP 6.0.6. Unless something has changed in the last 2 months you should be able to get the last FCS2 update in the same way I detailed in the thread below.

Note that the updates are now bundled into Pro Apps updates and you need to update those in two stages (re-boot needed after the first, if I remember correctly). Also note that Snow Leopard is the last OSX you can (easily) install FCS2 on - hence why I posted all this information.

Hope this works for you.

Brent Duncan
February 24th, 2016, 12:50 PM
What version can you go to? I have a copy of the 6.0.6 update (20Mb). Email me - with your contact email.

Emailed you Dave. Really need this update! Cheers!

Christopher Young
February 24th, 2016, 08:37 PM
FCP 6.0.6 should be here... I think!

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Gary Huff
February 25th, 2016, 08:02 AM
FCP 6.0.6 should be here... I think!

Probably best for you to actually click the download button first so you could have seen that it's not really there.

Dave Farrants
February 25th, 2016, 08:12 AM
Probably best for you to actually click the download button first so you could have seen that it's not really there.


Hasn't been available as a download from Apple for several years, Dropboxed a copy to Brett.

Christopher Young
February 26th, 2016, 01:38 AM
Probably best for you to actually click the download button first so you could have seen that it's not really there.

That's why I said "I think." I didn't want to download it as I'm not on Apple. At least it was a link that could be referred back to Apple Support.

I'm now curious as to what the 149.28MB DMG file that is linked to to behind the second "Download" button. So you are saying that the "Pro Applications Update 2008-05" doesn't contain the Final Cut Pro 6.0.6 package?

Not knowing how Apple works in its mysterious ways it's all a bit confusing.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Gary Huff
February 26th, 2016, 11:27 AM
That's why I said "I think." I didn't want to download it as I'm not on Apple.

Why would that matter? What did you think would happen?

So you are saying that the "Pro Applications Update 2008-05" doesn't contain the Final Cut Pro 6.0.6 package?

That is correct.

Not knowing how Apple works in its mysterious ways it's all a bit confusing.

Not any more mysterious than expecting all updates to be available from software from 2007.

Christopher Young
February 27th, 2016, 06:18 AM
You sound like you are all in a huff over this Gary:))

As for updates I don't know how Apple works but if I log into my Sony account everything I have ever purchased from Sony, even when it was Sonic Foundry before Sony bought them out is still available for me to download. Every different program, every version, every update, twenty - seven of them in all from my beginnings with them in 2002. So I'm used to updates being available. I was not aware that Apple didn't work the same way.

Gary how would I know what was in a DMG file downloaded onto a PC. I have in fact since last post downloaded it in case it was useful to any DVInfo FCP aficionados.

As it was listed as "ProApplicationsUpdate2008-05" under the 6.0.6 page link I assumed that it may have the 6.0.6 update included. Further enquiries indicate it contains 6.0.5 just like the following version of "ProApplicationsUpdate2009-01" carried 7.0.1, quote:

"Pro Applications Update 2009-01 includes Final Cut Pro 7.0.1, Motion 4.0.1, Soundtrack Pro 3.0.1, Color 1.5.1, and Compressor 3.5.1. The 243MB download is available from Apple’s Support Website as well as through Software Update." Quoted from Macworld:

Pro Applications Update tackles Final Cut Studio | Macworld (

So I was correct in assuming that there was an FCP update included in that DMG just not 6.0.6.

Gary I would hope you pointing out the error of my ways was you being a little facetious, yes? Anyhow I think the points made are moot and that the matter is now pretty well exhausted and not worth any further posts as the OP has kindly been helped out by Dave F. via his 6.0.6 update. Anyone agree?

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Noa Put
February 27th, 2016, 07:04 AM
I would hope you pointing out the error of my ways was you being a little facetious

You at least tried to help which we only can encourage, I wouldn't get worked up by people who do just the opposite.

Christopher Young
February 27th, 2016, 08:02 PM
Only trying to help and agreed N.P.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Gary Huff
February 27th, 2016, 09:14 PM
Only trying to help and agreed N.P.

Which is, clearly, why you decided to chime in on the subject (being in a Windows environment) that you don't actually know about after the issue had already been resolved. Assuming, of course, that it was a simple Google search that you could do to find the update and everyone else was just being dense. And, of course having been previously mentioned, after Dave had already indicated he could provide the solution.

So what help were you giving exactly?

Christopher Young
February 28th, 2016, 12:13 AM
Still in a petulant huff eh! About as much help as your suggestion I guess... which was nil. Go on, have the last word then if it's so important to you.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Gary Huff
February 28th, 2016, 07:30 AM
Still in a petulant huff eh! About as much help as your suggestion I guess... which was nil.

My help for you was invaluable. I'm sorry that you decided to get some attention and chime in with what turned out to be no help at all (and if you had actually read the thread you would have read that the update isn't actually on Apple's site) and made yourself look silly. Sorry that does not sit well with you, and now trying to save face has made you look even more so.

Go on, have the last word then if it's so important to you.

Thank you, I will. You see, I too have gone through the deep Internet search to find that actual FCP 6.0.6 update, and like Dave, I actually have it and can Dropbox it. Which, without having to lift a finger (since Dave had already been kind enough to help Brett out) is still more of a solution than all your prating about has been.

Toby Kaufmann-Buhler
May 13th, 2017, 01:29 PM
Hi all,

I have a similar problem to the above poster, and am in need of the FCP 6.0.6 update. I have found that this update is still not available anywhere (from Apple or anywhere else i can access)... i have 6.0 on a computer and need to open files made with 6.0.6.

Does anyone by chance still have an available download of the 6.0.6 update?

Thanks so much in advance!

Dave Farrants
May 13th, 2017, 02:29 PM
I can help you out - PM me.