View Full Version : Magiqcam gone?

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Mike Hardcastle
December 17th, 2005, 05:44 AM
Had a simalar reply martin, fingers crossed, I really dont want to cancel my order seeing as i've waited this long already.......

Martin Polach
December 20th, 2005, 09:17 AM
Anyone else recieved similar email?
Or does anyone know this Nate Goldstein and confirm that he really exists? :)

Jim Morton
December 20th, 2005, 02:58 PM
Seems magiqcam also recently took down their site...

Quoc Peyrot
December 20th, 2005, 06:18 PM
I finally received an answer from John. He said he was going to send me a check. We'll see...


Leigh Wanstead
December 20th, 2005, 09:08 PM
I finally received an answer from John. He said he was going to send me a check. We'll see...


Hi Quoc,

How is your flyer going?


Peter Wiley
December 20th, 2005, 09:16 PM
Those of you who have posted to this thread may be interested in the following:

Quoc Peyrot
December 21st, 2005, 07:41 PM
My Flyer is flying good ;) , especially since the gimbal was fixed.
I didn't have much time to practice lately though, because I moved to a new house. Hopefully, I'll have more time when I get back from Christmas vacations.


David Nelson
December 21st, 2005, 09:01 PM

I went to that site, inquired about it, a very nice gentleman answered and gave me 2 phone numbers both of which I will not give out. One was for the business the other was a cell phone. I did call the cell phone and the man that answered, denied ever knowing anything about Magiqcam. Somethings not pretty here. The gentleman who works at filmwareproducts did say they have some of the magiqcam products in stock but would not be receiving anything until next year.

David Nelson
December 24th, 2005, 08:44 AM
I have not asked for permission to post this but I'm sure it's not going to cause any problems:

The original owners of Magiqcam encounted some opportunities, and ended up in somewhat of a back log of orders. Mr. Goldstein the Fabricator of the rig has been filling orders to the best of his abilities. They are indeed still in business, just under new ownership.

I myself am very interested in this stabilizer but found myself with an opportunity my self to possibly get a different one at half the original cost. I am in such a quandry I do not know what to do.

So for what its worth, keep your eyes and ears open for the Magiqcam, its gotten decent reviews so far, just give them a chance to get back on track. Good luck Mr. Goldstein, give'm hell!!!

Erik Rene Brul
December 24th, 2005, 08:56 PM
It is to bad that a company like that seems like to be in a sort of trouble. I have ordered the Magiqcam IIA about 2 years ago. Had many emails with John, nice guy and quick response via email. Also normal available thru telephone calls.
Received the Rig complete with case and low mode. About one year later the communication seems a little bit out of order. Long waits for reply and sometimes no answer via telephone. During that period there were several customers with big problems, like the famous Gimbal problem.. !!!

Mine advise is :

- If you are running a serious video business, invest in other stabilizer products. I know, there are several out there.. many of them costs a lot more then the Magiqcam.

I myself have sold the Magiqcam. I was afraid that someday during a important shoot something would break and with no service at all from the States from Magiqcam can costs maybe your good business name..

I have ordered now a Steadicam Flyer. Only 2 weeks from now it will be available.


(BTW I'm also known as Erik Brul.. with several comments on other Magiqcam topics.. )

Scott Aston
December 24th, 2005, 10:42 PM
I paid for a Magiqcam II on October 16 (On Ebay) I knew of some of the problems people had with late delivery time. So I wrote to John and stated that I have to have delivery for a shoot by November 21 2005. He wrote back that would not be a problem. So on Nov 14, I emailed John, and "No reply" two days later I wrote another email stating that I would be filing a claim on my credit card and would file a fraud claim to paypal and Ebay. John called me and said that delivery would be on time, however he said that he did not have a Magiqcam II, but instead had the newer model "SP1" I think it is called. and sure enough, on November 21, 2005. The Fedex truck pulled up to my house and delivered the rig. Everything was new and very well built. Sorry all you guys are having these problems. I guess I was VERY fortunate.

David Nelson
December 24th, 2005, 10:49 PM
I have. You have. We all have. Ever see its a "It's A Wonderful Life" I know Im pulling and grabbing at straws here. But don't kick a person when they are down. Help them up, let them know everything is ok! Be a good neighbor. Thats what being American is all about. I wish the best of luck to Animagique. I know they will come back and show everyone what they are truly made of. Like I sad before - Give'm hell Animagique, make your Magic!

Rick Steele
December 25th, 2005, 08:55 AM
I know Im pulling and grabbing at straws here.To say the least.

But don't kick a person when they are down. Help them up, let them know everything is ok!People forked over money and the guy that cashed their checks shouldn't be "kicked"?


David Nelson
December 25th, 2005, 09:29 AM
I was simply being optimistic about the situation. Yes there are 2 sides to every story. I usually side for the underdog. I guess, if that had happened to me, I'd be mad as hell too. Sorry if my comments offended, admittingly I can be naive once in a while. What ever happens, I hope everyone gets what they deserve in the end. Take that how you want.

Stepping off soap box, walking away, enjoy your Christmas, God Bless Us One and All! :-)

Erik Rene Brul
December 25th, 2005, 04:33 PM
Thats what being American is all about. I wish the best of luck to Animagique

Sorry David, but maybe you didn't notice that a lot of the guys that indeed had problems sofar with Animagique live overseas and not in the US !!

In these situations the communication can only be done via email or phone. If i have lived in the US.. I maybe paid a visit to John to ask directly what is or went wrong.

Only one extra thought what I already mentioned in previous post.., what if you received your rig and after some use something breakes down.. ?


David Nelson
December 25th, 2005, 08:53 PM
If something should break, then your S.O.L. (sure outta luck). Ok I'll keep my nose out of where it doesn't belong. Humbly walking away.

Quoc Peyrot
December 26th, 2005, 04:43 PM
Well, you're wrong, I had problem, and I'm living in the US, even in California, not so far from animagique if I recall correctly.
From the post from john Aston, the problem seems even worse than what I tought: apparently animagique was not even fulfulling in the correct order...
So... the more you scream (and threaten), the faster you get your rig?
Yeah... sure, what's a wonderful life...


Sean Morris
December 28th, 2005, 11:09 PM
Well its nearly 2006!..and yet I have not received any response from either
Magiqcam or the "Mr Goldstein", Ill be contacting my credit card company
next week with a "serious" fraud claim and see what they have to say.

I have had enough.. Ho Ho Ho! Merry Xmas to all!

Sean Morris

Jamie Glover
December 29th, 2005, 10:19 AM

Sean Morris
January 5th, 2006, 11:21 PM
Well its 2006 and no response from Magiqcam or John, this is just unbelievable.

I cannot believe I got sucked into such a monkey ass-business.

No E-Mails, No Phone calls, No Responses..Its just joke!

I will be hiring legal advice on this matter, I am really fed up,
If it was 500 bucks id say @#% it, but its not it works out at
around 4,000 AUD with all the FedEX shipping and stuff.

I dont care if I need to spend another 5k refunding my money
frankly I believe this is fraud, you just dont take someone's
money and then pissoff..its a total joke.

How would Magiqcam like it if I took 4k from them?...

Sean Morris

Martin Polach
January 6th, 2006, 03:22 AM
Hi guys,

two days ago, I got note from our customs office that I recieved a package from Animagique. It took me half a year and a few days bonus, but I believe it is finally here. Nate Goldstein promised me to ship my rig before christamss and he did so, so I believe that this guy wants to play a fair game. Unfortunately, Animagique now "owns" their rig to many customers, due to it's previous behaviour, bu I believe that everyone of you will have to wait some time.

I will let you know when I get my hands on the rig personally.


Quoc Peyrot
January 6th, 2006, 06:16 AM
Well, I don't want to sound negative, but I'm wondering if they are really focusing on all the late orders, or only on the one who scream on the forum to reduce the bad image they now have. After all, we recently got confirmation here that someone got his order fullfill faster because he put more pressure.

Yeah yeah, I know, I'm a conspiracy theorist ;)

And then, let's say they are really working on fullfilling the backorders. It means they will be very busy for quite some time, if you have any problem with your rig (in the middle of a production of course... otherwise that's not funny...), how long will it take to get the rig repaired? So my advice for any new prospective customers would be to wait 6 months to see how it goes.
That's my 2 cents...
