View Full Version : XH-A1 and HFG10 Similar Settings

Ben Eldredge
December 14th, 2012, 01:20 PM
Hi All,
I recently purchased a Vixia HF G10 as a second camera to use along side my XH-A1.
What settings will produce the same image look and quality from both of these cameras?

Maurice Covington
December 16th, 2012, 10:37 PM

In my opinion, it won't happen. I had the XHA1 and the XHA1s along side the Canon HF-G10 and they just don't match up. I'm thinking that if you're going to have any chance, outdoor shoots will produce the most similar image. The low light level and image quality on the HF-G10 far exceeds anything that you will shoot on your XHA1. Sell the XHA1 and go buy another HF-G10.