View Full Version : C100: Start/stop Pix220 over HDMI

Matt Davis
December 13th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Have any Pix owners had joy in using the Start/Stop or 'Record on TC change on HDMI' functions with their C100?

My Pix doesn't see any TC coming out of the C100, nor does it spot the PSF mode (though you can tell it to interpret it). This is at odds with my FS100 experience, where it 'just worked', though the TC was a funky 29.97 variety on a 1080p25 data stream.

I hear that it's all working fine with the Ninja, though I also hear Atomos worked very hard to get it to do so. I'm hoping that we'll get another software rev from Sound Devices some time rather than find that it's fundamentally a non-starter?

Darren Levine
December 13th, 2012, 09:36 AM
at the moment it seems only the ninja 2 has specifically gone through the effort to make trigger mode work over hdmi with the c100.

who knows when and if other will add that functionality