Bruce Pelley
December 10th, 2012, 10:57 AM
Warp Stabilizer: Please: What's happening here? Not working................
Upgraded to Premiere Pro CS 6 (as I don't have After Effects) specifically in order to stabilize video. Thus far, from my experience, it produces a clip which is much worse than the original after being subject to the analyzing/stabilizing processes!
How is that possible? It baffles me! Go figure. Hence this post.
Camcorder is Canon A1s or A1. Format is HDV/.m2t. Rolling shutter issue?
The preliminary analyzing process equal to or even slower than rendering. A 5.5 minute clip takes hours! CS 6 is slow compared to CS 5.5 to begin with.
I record services in a house of worship. The clip I'll use as an example is one I shot recently of a lady kneeling down and praying. I tried every improved setting that I could think of such as no motion, advanced detailed analysis and the like in addition to the default settings.
Shot composition: Subject zoomed in on fairly tight with part of a grand piano in the background.
Since I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist & my tripod shot somehow moved a slight bit up and down while shooting which created this issue, I wanted to make the movement so it was not so noticeable. It wasn't extreme, just obvious to my trained eye.
After things were "stabilized/corrected, here was the result:
The foreground/main object is ok, however anything around or behind that looks like it's footage shot handheld from a rolling deck, on very tumultuous ocean which defeats the purpose. I thought subspace warp was 3d?
Any suggestions? Is Warp not up to this basic and simple task? Workable alternatives?
I wish I could down load the clip so everyone could see the before and after.
Upload would be sizable.
Anyone willing to help me make this work? Image stabilization/correction is a key skill I need going forward. Suggestions please.
Thanks in advance.
Upgraded to Premiere Pro CS 6 (as I don't have After Effects) specifically in order to stabilize video. Thus far, from my experience, it produces a clip which is much worse than the original after being subject to the analyzing/stabilizing processes!
How is that possible? It baffles me! Go figure. Hence this post.
Camcorder is Canon A1s or A1. Format is HDV/.m2t. Rolling shutter issue?
The preliminary analyzing process equal to or even slower than rendering. A 5.5 minute clip takes hours! CS 6 is slow compared to CS 5.5 to begin with.
I record services in a house of worship. The clip I'll use as an example is one I shot recently of a lady kneeling down and praying. I tried every improved setting that I could think of such as no motion, advanced detailed analysis and the like in addition to the default settings.
Shot composition: Subject zoomed in on fairly tight with part of a grand piano in the background.
Since I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist & my tripod shot somehow moved a slight bit up and down while shooting which created this issue, I wanted to make the movement so it was not so noticeable. It wasn't extreme, just obvious to my trained eye.
After things were "stabilized/corrected, here was the result:
The foreground/main object is ok, however anything around or behind that looks like it's footage shot handheld from a rolling deck, on very tumultuous ocean which defeats the purpose. I thought subspace warp was 3d?
Any suggestions? Is Warp not up to this basic and simple task? Workable alternatives?
I wish I could down load the clip so everyone could see the before and after.
Upload would be sizable.
Anyone willing to help me make this work? Image stabilization/correction is a key skill I need going forward. Suggestions please.
Thanks in advance.