Paul Cascio
September 17th, 2005, 10:38 AM
I'm putting together a new NLE. I have 3-300GB SATA Maxtor HDs. I'll use Premiere with will also purchase AspectHD.
What's the best configuration for the drives? I could also add another IDE drive (100GB) if that would help.
My hope is to expedite rendering times.
AMD x2 3800+
4MB Ram
A8N Prem MB
David Newman
September 17th, 2005, 10:55 AM
For great performance with Aspect HD you should put two of drives in to RAID 0. You could add the third drive for a RAID 5 configuration (giving you protection against a drive failure.) If you motherboard controller doesn't support RAID5, stick with RAID0 (simple striping) and use the extra 300GB drive for manual back-ups of important data. I don't recommend adding a PCI RAID5 controller as I have found they seem to cause more problems than the data protection they offer (they are slower and occasionally go offline -- very annoying.) Add the 100MB for your system drive.
Paul Cascio
September 17th, 2005, 11:00 AM
Thanks David. If I use a 2-drvie Raid 0, are they set as 1 partition? Also, how is Premiere/AsppectHD set to use this setup (Scacth Disk, etc).
David Newman
September 17th, 2005, 12:24 PM
RAID 0 can be one big partition. Simply put all your video and scatch files on it. I normally keep project data on another disk, so you will have to tell Premiere to store the audio conform files and preview renders on the video drive (which normal follow the project data.) But you don't have to worry too much, as long as you video is on a fast drive(s) it will work great.
Pat Sherman
September 17th, 2005, 06:31 PM
Here's my setup.
2x74GB Raptors (C: OS DRIVE) RAID 0
2x500GB Hitachi's (RAID 0)
1x250GB SATA Removeable. Well actually 5 250GB drives but one at a time. I usually dedicate the entire 250GB to all original footage, images, music, project files..
Then I use the dual 500's for renders, conforms, previews.. It works fine and have not had an issue.. I just bought an additional sata 2 port by way of a PCI card.. Not always the best solution, but it works fine with my system so I lucked out in a way I guess.. Anyways, my 250's support hotswapping and I am using the Vantec SATA Bay with 5 vantec cartridges.. SATA 2 makes it such much better not having to power down to swap drives..