View Full Version : Cloning with NewBlue FX!

Robin Davies-Rollinson
November 28th, 2012, 10:19 AM
I'm getting to like - and therefore use- the range of NewBlue FX more and more.
I thought I'd share a little workaround I discovered last night (perhaps someone else has already tried it, but no matter...)
On viewing some rushes, I saw to my horror a Coke can in the grass behind my presenter! Yes, I know I should have seen it at the time, but when you're shooting and looking after the audio as well as directing...
Anyway, what I needed was some kind of cloning tool, like what you get in Photoshop.
I'd just been playing with NewBlue Vl FX package and remembered the "Cut Away" FX.
Basically, you can enlarge a section of your image and move it around, like a magnifying lens, with or without a border.
I thought that I'd try setting the parameters to no border and no magnification. I just chose a section of the background without the CAN and dragged it over to cover the offending item, made the size right and added some feathering. Voila!- no CAN. A real cloning tool at last. OK, the shot was locked off, so I got away with it...
THank you, NewBlue!

Edward Troxel
November 28th, 2012, 03:33 PM
GREAT! Wonderful use of the tool!

Don Bloom
November 28th, 2012, 05:23 PM
THAT sounds super cool and could be most useful! Thanks for the tip.

Graham Bernard
November 28th, 2012, 11:28 PM
Great stuff, Robin! Sure, there's the 2 track option in Vegas - very time consuming.

But, with the awareness of 3rd party developers/partners to SCS, seeing these more graphic-aware features "bleed" into our Vegas platform is very welcome indeed. It's not JUST the features, it's the graphic-aware philosophy being embraced that's going to make a huge leap for us video/filmmaker one man/woman bands into the convergence of graphics and straight cutting.

NewBlue? Keep it up. Keep pushing the graphics envelope.

I've been experimenting with the recent freebie via the AVID (?) site and I almost fell off my editing chair when I tripped over the compositing Darken, Burn, Dodge etc etc options in the Grade filter. Fab!


Seth Bloombaum
November 29th, 2012, 01:23 PM
NewBlue? Keep it up. Keep pushing the graphics envelope.

I've been experimenting with the recent freebie via the AVID (?) site and I almost fell off my editing chair when I tripped over the compositing Darken, Burn, Dodge etc etc options in the Grade filter. Fab!

Sweet! Just got this installed this morning, very nice efx. I'd totally missed that compositing mode selector.

Thanks Grazie!

Robin Davies-Rollinson
November 29th, 2012, 01:30 PM
Grazie/Seth, which effect are you mentioning here please?

Seth Bloombaum
November 29th, 2012, 08:12 PM
Grazie/Seth, which effect are you mentioning here please?

This is in the Video Essentials III filter pack.
Gradient Tint filter.
Any of the presets or custom settings.
Blend mode (button at the bottom of the filter dialog, be sure to scroll down or enlarge the window.

Much visual goodness in this modest little button!

Graham Bernard
November 30th, 2012, 12:12 AM
Seth, I'm stunned at the results. And this at Event level and NOT needing to be applied at Track Level. Yes, one losses the Inter-Track Compo variable, but this feature is teasing out some scrummy results. I'll get some examples up here.

NB are really taking this OFX option to heart in producing features that reflect the opportunities now available to s/w houses.

Nice one SCS, and nice one New Blue for developing this further.


Graham Bernard
November 30th, 2012, 03:28 AM
Something for the Weekend? New Blue Gradient Tint PLUS the BLEND Compo options



Seth Bloombaum
November 30th, 2012, 09:35 PM
Quite nice Grazie, good test footage, love the looks.

A poor man's daVinci color correction? I'm not used to having quite this level of gradient correction so easily available. daVinci does much more with irregular shapes, of course, but at a much higher degree of difficulty and hard to learn. This is just so accessible and easy to use.