View Full Version : Sign up - 5th Annual DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge!

Lorinda Norton
November 26th, 2012, 12:10 PM
Sign up now for the 5th annual DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge!! It starts on Dec. 2 and runs through Sunday, Dec. 16. It’s a fast one this year and promises to be lots of fun for the adventurous and enthusiastic souls out there!

This contest brings together shooters from the inde film world and nature/wildlife/extreme sports world for two purposes—to have fun making movies and documentaries and to raise money for a worthy charity of the winner’s choosing. In this round it will be ALL about giving rather than receiving, so we’ll find out who’s rockin’ the giving spirit this season!

You don’t have to donate to sign up, nor do you have to sign up to donate! Be aware that when you sign up OR donate, you automatically become a judge in this round. Donations can be sent to More info on donating will be posted in another thread, so watch for it if you have any questions.

Rules for both DVC and UWOL apply and are pretty similar, so pick one and run with it. The time limit will be FOUR minutes, with an extra 20 seconds allowed for credits if absolutely necessary. UWOLers may post to their personal YouTube or Vimeo pages as well as to the UWOL Vimeo page.

Are you ready to give of yourself and shoot something great for charity? Then sign up!!!

Trond Saetre
November 26th, 2012, 12:18 PM
Count me in!

Markus Nord
November 26th, 2012, 01:23 PM
I'll give it a try.... Lot to do, but maybe a minute or so over for this...

Henry Williams
November 26th, 2012, 02:50 PM
I'm in. Need to redeem myself after the last DVC's wall related encounter ;)

Andrew Hood
November 27th, 2012, 01:22 AM
Work will probably get busy soon, but let's see if I can squeeze something in.

Paul Wood
November 27th, 2012, 03:58 AM
Count me in as well!

Dale Guthormsen
November 27th, 2012, 08:38 AM
I will sign up, hope it is a theme I can actually shoot on my own here in the middle of the winter!!!

LeRoy Gunderson
November 27th, 2012, 09:59 AM
OK, I'll give it a try. Sign me up!

Lorinda Norton
November 27th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Howdy, LeRoy! Welcome to the Charity Challenge!!

This is going to be a fun round, and with so many worthy charities out there needing help, it'll be a great way to give while rewarding ourselves with some entertaining films. Let's keep the sign-ups coming!! :)

Marj Atkins
November 28th, 2012, 09:49 AM
Will give this a try.

Simon Wood
November 28th, 2012, 11:23 AM
Me too................

Andris Krastins
November 28th, 2012, 12:27 PM
Oh no, I'm afraid I won't be able to participate this time. I'm in a foreign country with strict rules against filming in public, very busy schedule till Dec.22 and no video equipment, just my crappy cell phone camera. :(

When will the theme be announced? I might do something just to participate, but I have many restrictions.

Kevin Railsback
November 28th, 2012, 12:29 PM
Never have finished one but there's always a first time. So I'm in.

Bill Thesken
November 28th, 2012, 06:08 PM
I'm in, the timing could be perfect no matter what the theme.

Chris Barcellos
November 29th, 2012, 01:02 PM
I am going to give it a shot again this year.

Lorinda Norton
December 1st, 2012, 01:02 PM
The challenge starts tomorrow!! Thanks so much to the great guys who have signed up so far. We need more! You know...the more the merrier and all that. Plus, some worthy charity is needing a little boost that maybe YOU will provide. So sign up now and join the fun!

Lorinda Norton
December 8th, 2012, 03:32 PM
Call it the Christmas spirit or whatever you want, we are extending the deadline to midnight PST on DECEMBER 31!!

So if some of you thought about signing up but didn't, you sure have time to get in on the action! And remember, you don't have to donate to sign up, nor do you have to sign up to donate. Check out the thread that shows where money has gone in past challenges.

Finn-Erik Faale
December 8th, 2012, 03:50 PM
Lorinda, thanks for the extended deadline.
I will give this a try.

Toni Dolce
December 26th, 2012, 02:20 PM
Hi there and Happy Holidays!

I would like to sign up!! Thanks! Toni

Lorinda Norton
December 26th, 2012, 02:38 PM
That is great, Toni! I'm excited to see your film!!