View Full Version : Change requests

Peter Rush
November 20th, 2012, 03:31 AM
Hi All - I know this has been discussed before but I'm keen to know your current thinking on the matter from a 'Happy Customer' perspective.

I am 5 years into this business and have always sent sample discs to customers. Most are fine but some request changes ("can you remove some of the shots of the guest in the green outfit, as it's the same as the bride's mother" etc). Now I know some of you absolutely charge for this, but I have been happy to include a round of changes because, as my word of mouth bookings from happy customers are increasing - I want to keep it that way!

With next year's bookings coming in however - I can see I will have to cut back on this as I simply won't have the time (unless they are going to pay). My concern is - at what point is it best to inform the client that editorial changes will have to be paid for. I don't want to rely on a paragraph in a contract or terms & conditions.

Above all I want to keep my customers happy :)


Dan Burnap
November 20th, 2012, 03:52 AM
Hi Peter, i state it in the contract, at the meeting and again when I deliver the discs.

Genuine mistakes on my part I fix quickly.

I still have the odd client you comes back with a small list with the attitude that they dont see why they have to pay. If there is a genuine mistake on my part in that list then I'll do that and, if the other changes they want are simple and quick, will do them to at no extra charge just for customer satisfaction reasons.

Chris Harding
November 20th, 2012, 04:07 AM
Hi Peter

My contract says I have complete editoral control and that's how it should be...clashing outfits are not your problem but if they want to pay..yeah, change it but over Winter when you are not busy.

As Dan says..if you mess up, the changes are free..For me apart from mess ups I don't do changes.

The biggest mistake is to give the client a "proof copy" That's telling them PLEASE find me extra work to do at no charge. Just present the final DVD set to them...I have yet to have an unhappy bride!!
