Chris Law
November 17th, 2012, 05:41 AM
I want to have a really wide angle lens for my NEX-VG20 without spending much money, is there anything cheap that could do this with an adapter?
Thank you
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View Full Version : Anyway to get a crazy fov on the NEX-VG20? Chris Law November 17th, 2012, 05:41 AM I want to have a really wide angle lens for my NEX-VG20 without spending much money, is there anything cheap that could do this with an adapter? Thank you Matt Sharp November 17th, 2012, 02:33 PM Not sure how much you consider "cheap" but you can get an 8mm f2.8 for $300. Bower 8mm f/2.8 Ultra Compact Fisheye Lens for Sony E SLY288SEB Bill Bruner November 17th, 2012, 05:05 PM Chris - in the UK, your least expensive options are the Samyang 8mm f2.8 fisheye for NEX mount for £264 - or a used £100 Sony 16mm f2.8 E mount pancake with an £87 Fisheye Converter. Hope that's helpful, Bill Hybrid Camera Revolution ( Chris Law December 21st, 2012, 07:04 AM Hi, that fisheye looks quite sweet, is the footage still quite flat though im aiming for a really wide angle but not like a skate board video look. Thanks for the help! Chris Medico December 21st, 2012, 07:08 AM What do you consider cheap and how much of the fisheye look is OK? Chris Law December 21st, 2012, 07:34 AM Well, I looked at some videos of that fisheye and it seems not too bad, but I want to make films with this lens and so I just want as wide as can be without being over the top. It needs to look wide for video terms. Now I've seen a few things. First of all theres this adapter 0.5x Digital Wide Angle Macro Professional Series Lens: Electronics Now that could go on my 18-55 at the moment but, would it still look fine and not ruin the image in terms of clarity? Theres this by SLR magic SLR Magic 28mm f/2.8 Wide Angle Lens for Sony NEX: Electronics But i've heard bad things about them like uneven focus planes etc which is a no go for me. Money wise no more than 250 pounds, right now that adapter seems a good cheap solution if it doesn't ruin the image quality. Chris Medico December 21st, 2012, 07:53 AM Adapter lenses tend to get out of focus towards the edges. Many also have CA issues as you go towards the edges. I would recommend buying a lens because buying a quality adapter will cost as much as a lens anyway. As an example the wide angle adapter for my EX1 (which is pretty good) is about 1.5x your budget. The new Sony 10-18mm could be exactly what you are looking for image wise. It unfortunately is also outside the budget. Sony SEL 4/10-18 mm E-Mount Sony objective: Electronics Chris Law December 21st, 2012, 08:14 AM Yes, its shame because of the high price of that particular lens, and that price won't drop. The 18-200 hasn't shifted for two years. I guess there's not much I can do, unless I find a third party lens which is similar to the 10-18mm. Also, do you know how good the SEL50F18 is? I may be getting that lens also. I guess the 16mm E mount + Adapter is the best way to get a none distorted wide shot from what I can see, Tony Neal December 21st, 2012, 03:24 PM You need the Sony Sony SEL16F28 pancake lens with the Ultra Wide Converter - its within your budget. I've got this on my VG20 and I just love the way it pulls everything into the frame and plays with perspectives-its fabulous for steadicam work too. I shot my grandsons birthday party with this combination last weekend ... Elijah's 2nd Birthday Party - YouTube Only downside is the autofocus struggles with extreme close-ups - and don't get anyones head in the corner of the frame or you'll get the cone-head effect. And if its sometimes a bit too wide you can always pop the adapter off. |